The GOP-sponsored House version of the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization has finally gotten the endorsement of the constituency it needed to bring out the richness of its full nut flavor: paranoid men's rights activists.
Send in Uma Thurman with her samurai sword ... the looks on their faces would be priceless. (After she left, I wonder if they'd want to clean their own underwear?)
I'm glad you didn't quote more of their letter, because I already puked twice and now there's no solids left in my stomach and dry-heaving is so damn painful plus bile tastes totally gross.
Not so much "rampant" as "Limpent", ifyaknowwhatImean.
That's just Repub legislators.
From what I've read of the bonobos, they use sex for pretty much everything.
I'm only surprised there isn't an xkcd of that.
How many Phyllis Schlaflys are there in the world?
You left out the key question: how was she dressed?
Well, there's the praying mantis. Oh, wait...
<blockquote>Fucking pussies. </blockquote>
Is something none of these limpdicks are likely to do again.
Send in Uma Thurman with her samurai sword ... the looks on their faces would be priceless. (After she left, I wonder if they&#039;d want to clean their own underwear?)
Judging from the evidence on this site, it also makes him considerably more attractive to women.
And men.
This almost makes me wonder where you&#039;d have to go to find the Rule 34 of <em>that</em>
To be honest, knowing some of our gender are members of the NCM, I&#039;d seriously consider handing the ladyfolk the rope.
What a relief! I was feeling so oppressed.
National Association of Masculine Bitchy Loser Assholes?
When men do it, it&#039;s called a &quot;career&quot;. (See: Romney, Mitt.)
I&#039;m glad you didn&#039;t quote more of their letter, because I already puked twice and now there&#039;s no solids left in my stomach and dry-heaving is so damn painful plus bile tastes totally gross.