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Wow, sorry. I really didn't include enough information in my OP. That series of "baby murders" in Wenatchee didn't occur and, though not as famous as the "McMartin Day Care" case was at least as big in the Pacific North West. IIRC "Esquire" magazine had written a long article on it, which was how I had first heard of it.

I guess my point was that this guy and his family were so afraid of the supposed murderers that they moved to Texas, which admittedly had its own problems. Baby fuckers, S&M bible camps, gay conversion counseling and whacked out tea baggers. But not a lot of satanist baby murders, that we know of!

I suppose that today he is either actively supporting Trump or has gone BK several times from people who recognized a mark, like I did, but really knew how to run a long con.

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More like people who have lost their minds and joined the Party of Shared Delusions.

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Yeah, I had to stop surfing that particular part of the web, because it started to make me so sad; some of the videos seemed to have been created for very grifty purposes, but some of them seemed to have been concocted by True Believers, and that is thoroughly depressing.

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Always check for the Satanic Seal of Approval BEFORE joining any cult.

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With friends like this who needs cultic ritual abuse?

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I thought King Kull settled the Lizard Peoples hash long ago.

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Hydra? Feh!

Give us a call when you're ready to join a REAL cult.

--The Temple of Starry Wisdom

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Our special tonight is Evil with a side of Goat. That's $6.66.

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It's OK, he's a long-distance friend, and at least his conversation is never boring.

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I don't believe in that. :)

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But only one can be the Sul-tan.

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Thank you for calling me out on my ignorance! I sure am a hick!

If only I had given some hint in any of the half-dozen stories I've written on the Satanic Temple that they are a group of delightful First Amendment trolls who take on the stereotypical trappings of Satan worship solely for the purpose of twitting the God-botherers. I appreciate that you have set me straight.

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Yeah, I kind of wish I'd mentioned the petition and linked to it (four times) in the article.

Thanks for covering that oversight on my part.

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Gosh, if only I'd mentioned the petition and linked to it four times in the article.

Or you could glance at the article and rush to the comments to advise people there's a petition.

Why, yes, I am feeling a little prickly tonight.

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