And wrathful Aztec gods!

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That led me to <a href="http:\/\/youtu.be\/6MJCvHMtwE4" target="_blank"> this gem</a>, which I had not seen before.

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Florida. Also, too.

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Why is he wearing that banner?

Did he just cross the finish line in a footrace? Or was he just named "Mr. Mexico?"

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¿Alcanzar alrededor, por favor?

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¡Don't make me ask twice for a reacharound, Papi!

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<a href="http:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch\?v=rSdFIDygFwM" target="_blank"> Miss Wasilla</a>?

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Having it all also means taking as much away from everyone else as well. Their enjoyment is not complete unless accompanied by the suffering of others. And that includes those less rich themselves. What good is wholesome food that isn't salted with the tears of those you crush beneath your heels?

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Who knew wife killin', election stealin', and crust buggerin' could look so dreamy?

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Sure...but is <i>your</i> crust ready to be fracked?

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How's that NAFTA workin' out for ya?

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