And a friction-free border, with no air resistance. (It's easier to understand teabagger theory if you make certain simplifications.)

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First it was the potatoes, now it's the jobs. What, exactly, is this "Luck of the Irish" I keep hearing about?

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I'll believe there's a problem when insane, unhelmeted, unlighted bicycle delivery men in black jackets and pants stop swerving in front of me on rainy nights in NYC.

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No way. Mexico is a place where a bunch of crooked billionaires own 90% of everything, don't pay their taxes, and own all the politicians, plus there's almost no social mobility, and workers can't afford decent health care or college education for their kids. I'm sure they'd prefer to stay here, where .... ummm.... oh wait. Never mind.

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Point to the success of their voluntary deportation program.

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Would imported tequila help?

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<i>Well, it appears we have our answer: make the United States really shitty.</i>

That was their answer to the Chinese labor standards as well. Make ours worse than theirs and the damned huddled masses over here will STFU about it.

It's a race to the bottom and we're winning!!!!

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Now if only we can apply the same pressures on the WASPs.

Can I still watch Univision?

Wait -- the economy in Mexico has jerbz? I've a got a border to sneak across.

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Hey, Mr. President - stop handing out favors to illegals. Oh, and can I get free tickets to Cancun?

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<i>"... folks from Nevada and Arizona will travel south to make a little money ..."</i> I bet they'll be pissed when they find out there's a danged fence in the way.

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