My guess: the dummy pulled the gun on himself as an abusive tactic in the argument with his wife . . . and he fucked up the stunt. Oops.

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SER good Sir!! Thank you for linking to the bit about how suicide threats are COMMON AS GRASS among abusers!!

I know you know what else is common as grass--for cops especially. Partner and child abuse of course!

The thought of him being lauded as some hero when he's SO eminently likely to be using his power and platform and reputation to literally terrorize his family on the daily (my hunch is he probably did this KNOWING he'd NEVER get elected having shot at his wife--abusers can be VERY strategic at times!)?? Makes me sick.

At any rate if he's a cop and the fact that 30-40% of cops are freaking abusers, isn't part of his platform of idk maybe FIXING??! He stick a gun in any of his holes for all I care.


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even if this kissed his political prospects goodbye?? This will likely lock in his abuse for years bc now he has even MORE effectively milked sympathy from EVERYONE and she'll look bad/lose kids if she leaves. #ACAB #FuckAbusers

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Guns don't commit suicide, people do; but it would be nice if guns self-destructed and were no longer available.


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Stephen, ISWYDT. And here's the link to the song--one of my favorites:


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The only person that can stop a Miami-Dade Police Director with a gun is the same Miami-Dade Police Director with a gun.

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Normally, I love a good β€œFlorida Man shoots himself” story, but this sounds like someone having a severe mental health crisis. I hope he gets the help he needs.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

"β€œThere wasn't enough evidence to do anything,” a source claimed."


Translation: We as fellow police officers of Tampa, will extend a professional courtesy to our brother officer from Miami-Dade, look the other way, and pray that they will go away so it won't be our problem.


Except, by ignoring it, it did happen anyway, and now everyone has to take a bigger bite from the $#!# sandwich than they would have if they had Baker Acted the Sheriff/director in the first place.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Tragic and horrible." "Emboldened."

Well, don't that just sum it right the f^^k up, though.

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Too bad he wasn't holding a gun in the other hand, to stop himself from shooting himself.

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Mental health issues? In law enforcement? Unpossible!

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Dead competitors and cheating voters are the only way republicans win.

Brainwashing, also too.

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Jul 27, 2023Β·edited Jul 27, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

Republicans are narcissists and sociopaths. They justify this every day. There seems to be a lot of the story left out and that is the personal life of these two. Police are notorious for abusive relationships.

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Unfortunately I am all too familiar with this particular tactic, and yes, it is highly emotionally abusive. I hope that once he physically recovers, he immediately seeks help for his behavioral disorder. And I hope his wife doesn't wait that long to seek counseling for herself. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she stated he wasn't a threat out of fear for what might happen had she said otherwise.

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I would really like to think we’re a compassionate enough country to put him in treatment if only for the sake of his wife and children.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

β€œFreddy told me he had made a mistake, he was prepared to resign and I told him we would talk about it the next day,” [the mayor] said, adding that Ramirez was β€œvery remorseful” during their conversation.

What kind of mistake are we talking about? What had he done wrong that he was resigning over it? Seems pertinent.

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Jul 27, 2023Β·edited Jul 27, 2023

If I had to place a bet, it would be:


I was caught cheating on my marriage, plus I'm doing a ton of illegal substances in my private life as self medication. If all of this is ever made public, my political career is ruined.

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That sounds like a pretty good guess.

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I mean, threatening to kill himself as an act of manipulation over his partner is well evidenced. I'm gonna lean toward him talking about his actions in that encounter (though not limited to the suicide threat).

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The story is unclear but I got the impression that the discussion with the mayor happened before this incident with his wife.

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"β€œThere wasn't enough evidence to do anything,” a source claimed."

Not even enough to fucking call a friend or coworker who gave a fuck...He didn't need you to ARREST him, he needed HELP

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Awful. I cannot imagine what his wife is going through right now. I hope he gets the help he needs.

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