I can honestly say I am over sex. I think sex is a good thing and people should have more of it, but please leave me out of it. I think the same about a lot of social interactions.

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Our kids were brought up Unitarian, which means that in 8th grade they got the “Our Whole Lives” curriculum. In fact much if it was developed by our assistant pastor.

Extremely graphic and a guiding principle was that no questions were out of bounds.

Somebody should run THAT text by them just to watch the explosions.

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According to a lot of men in this world, women do not masturbate and do not even like sex unless they are sluts, so the word "masturbation" is rightly part of the male domain.

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In the 90s I was too busy not being able to afford cable to watch any VH1, so I just assumed that was an actual Comprehensive Health Skill flashcard…

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As an aside, when I got to the point that I could afford cable I realized there were no longer any “music videos” on the various music video channels, so I still never watched any.

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I was thinking the same thing. I think I was hanging out in the pool halls.

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I stopped watching TV when I left my parents' home after finishing high school in 1973.

I actually started again in 2020 when the pandemic made staying indoors imperative and when I discovered that I could now watch a critically acclaimed TV series online. But VH-1 has not made my list.

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I dunno, but I'm typing this from my bunk.

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That's what my Spanish teacher did, first day. "Here's all the dirty words in Spanish, and here's how to say them. Get it out of your systems, then we can get down to learning."

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Yep, smart, start "teaching" sex ed years after the girls can get pregnant. A 10 year old is too young for sex-ed, but plenty old enough to get pregnant.

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I worked on a school funded homeschooling program. Every time we said that you couldn't use this "textbook" because it was against the law here, they had a hissy fit.

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And they don't learn a thing about "pulling out" doesn't increase teen pregnancy.

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Our upscale suburban United Methodist congregation got it together to do a human sexuality class for middle school and high school every few years(*), also using self-developed curriculum. Not "extremely graphic", but including some pictures from "adult magazines", which, sadly, was the only place you could find pictures of humans with no clothes.

I volunteered one year to help with the junior high group, and I would have answered any questions, but I'm pretty sure the kids were just disoriented by talking about sex at church, in addition to being middle school kids who didn't want to ask an embarrassing question - they didn't ask many.

The moment I remember was handing the kids a set of cards that together described intimacy progression between two people and asking them to put the cards in order ("does oral come before or after Third Base?"), and then asking them, for each card, how long after the previous card the next card should happen (some kids expected to be at oral on the third or fourth date).

I wasn't with the high school group, but I heard about two moments - the kids were asked to list all the euphemisms they knew for sex, and the leaders stopped them when they hit 200 (funny), and one of the parents who was helping, who was also a nurse, showing how much semen it takes to get pregnant using circles drawn with a pen (which some of the kids seemed very worried by - would well-educated high school students from rich families be using withdrawal as a contraceptive in 2007? who can say?).

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These are the men who are experts on masturbation, because that's as close to pleasurable sex with a non-inflatable partner as they get ... 😎

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That was my ex's experience as an L&D nurse at one of the largest hospitals in the country. And "someone" is almost always a family member or close family friend. The "tell" is the parents refusing a DNA test. One assumes that either they know, or they don't want to know for sure. 👿

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There is a whole field of study about sexual abuse of children. Yes, lack of knowledge, both physical and social ("this can happen, and if it happens, it's not your fault, but you need to tell us so that person doesn't hurt anyone else").

In my understanding, the pattern is more likely to be grooming, boundary pushing, and nakedness, before the abuser moves in for the kill.

And shame ("it would be a shame if your big brother found out, he wouldn't like you") and lack of confidence ("they'll believe me, not you") are two ways of keeping the victim quiet. 👿

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