Woo! My state is in play! I have been present at way too many losses, and 2016 broke me..but there is a Don Quixote within whispering there are windmills to tilt at..

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Don't worry, we will all have a chance to die of coronavirus.

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A super Pac of one!Ten bucks says the GOP tries really hard to pass some knee jerk law about how an individual can't spend their own money to do ads against a political party (unless you are them of course)

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That's actually for really real nice times!

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Don't forget asses to kick...many asses to kick.

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I'm black. I live on the East Coast. I know EXACTLY what he is and have every reason to hate his guts. And I'm not a Bernie-Bro, I'm a Warren supporter.

Again, it's fine if he's doing this. I still don't like him. Jeff Bezos's Washington Post does great reporting on the general awfulness of Donald Trump and everyone around him. That doesn't make Bezos any less of a scumbag for the working conditions in those horrible "fulfillment centers".

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We didn't write Michael Bloomberg any kind of send-off when he pulled out of the race after his impressive American Samoan showing on Super Tuesday.

Um. Maybe we don't sarcastically dismiss US colonies like they don't matter? There's enough of that in official policy that we don't need it commentary.

Yeah, Bloomberg did well in American Samoa. Why? I would bet he was the only one who spent significantly on them. There's a lesson there. And it's that we are ignoring US territories.

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Oh, I know that. I said as much to someone yesterday who complained that Bloomy had sent $400 million into a ''black hole.''

I was mocking that attitude, and the one some Democrats have toward the wealthy, where it's all ''eat the rich ... unless they're OUR rich.'' Bloomberg went from being one of THEM to one of US might fast.

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My whole point. Yesterday's stupid is suddenly smart. Amazing.

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OK, that might have gone past me since I only saw the first one and barely remember it.

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Residents of the territories DO NOT get to vote for president. I know that from painful experience.

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Bloomberg does not do jobs that are not at the top of the pyramid. If he isn't chief, he isn't interested.

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And it's insane. A country that was founded on "No taxation without representation" has no business denying that representation and voice to its colonies.

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I think his ads have been brilliant. I actually never believed that his run was anything other than a plausible excuse for running the ads, except possibly a true fear of Elizabeth Warren.I have read a few times that if you don’t live in the red states, you cannot grasp the amount of constant rightie Fox, Infowars quality being beamed out hourly. So yeah, go big Mike.

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But if he is/was a candidate.... like Trump in 2016.

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