Of course, if Chuck Johnson had a functioning brain, he might have noticed that the Post-Dispatch's assertion that there were no class A or B felony-equivalent charges was based not on statements made during the hearing, but in response to a followup question the Post-Dispatch asked. You know, Chuck, followup questions, that thing <em>journalists</em> do.

But then, why would he want to waste time reading when it could be better spent being a slimy ratfucking dick?

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I don't normally watch Fox news, including the local news, so I can't say if they went the same way, but I had not seen so many black reporters on other local St Louis news shows before the Ferguson thing happened.

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I was being somewhat pedantic, but it's an important point to make and shows just how insidious the relentless push by the wingnuts is- even those ostensibly on "Brown's side" or at least on the side of not rushing to judgment and getting the facts straight are still susceptible to falling into the framing of the narrative by the wingnuts. There are precious few facts at this point and the claim that Brown stole something isn't one of them. At best, we have a rather limited piece of security video footage and a statement from Johnson saying that he witnessed Brown stealing those cigars. That's far from being actual fact- it could be that Johnson has reason to lie or that he is simply mistaken. Or it may be that things went down just as Johnson described- but we don't know yet.

Last time I checked, a witness =/= guilty, even if that witness happens to be the buddy of the accused. Yet it has become a given at this point, even amongst Brown's defenders, that he's essentially been charged, tried and convicted of robbery when no such thing has happened. This is the power of that relentless pressure from the wingnuts to frame the story- 99% of the people you'd ask will now say that Brown is guilty- and that is exactly why they do it. If they can convict Brown in the court of public opinion, Wilson may never face a grand jury or the jury will be so tainted as to make it a joke.

Interestingly, the wingnuts are so fundamentally dishonest that they have no qualms about convicting Brown based on some grainy footage with no audio and no context and they are willing to declare Johnson's statement to be unimpeachable proof of Brown's guilt, yet when the very same Johnson then makes a statement about Wilson's actions 10 minutes later, suddenly Johnson is no longer a reliable witness- only when his statement (not sworn testimony) proves convenient for them do they choose to believe him.

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I read on the Internet that Charles Johnson and the Gateway Pundit are lying racist sacks of hate-speech that engage in intercourse with dead raccoons behind the nearest dumpster.

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Well at least they didn't shoot an arrestee in the face in the back of their cop car while his hands were handcuffed behind his back and then claim it was suicide. <a href="http://www.nola.com/crime/i..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2014/09/attor...">http://www.nola.com/crime/i...


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...yeah, I heard he was actually a habitual offender of this law!

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...or as Fox News would call him: "A victim"

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"only when his statement (not sworn testimony) proves convenient for them do they choose to believe him."

That's pretty much S.O.P. for rightwing dickwads, no matter what the context - religion, climate, Kenyan usurpers . . . you name it, they've got the selective attention for it.

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It is the business of racist assholes like Johnson and Hoft et al to fling as much feces into the national conversation as they can in order to pollute the discourse and foul the waters to drag the overton window to their corner. Their purpose in life is to be the shit stain dirty work guys who will say or do anything, no matter how dishonest or disgusting, to further their RW cause. And they can continue doing so because no matter how many times they are caught lying through their teeth, the mainstream right wing will continue to unquestioningly believe them because they need to believe them- they need these bottom feeders to serve as the wellspring for all the lies that make up the fabric of the RW universe. Their lies are what spreads the thin veneer of believability over the steaming pile of shit that is modern RW thought and allows the rest of the RW to rationalize their bigotry and intolerance.

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The parade of lies continues <a href="http://www.littlegreenfootb..." target="_blank"> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/article/43806_Right_...">http://www.littlegreenfootb..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="www.littlegreenfootballs.com/article/43806_Right_...">www.littlegreenfootballs.co...

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Actually, it's not even a known fact that he stole cigars

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Also too, the set of pix on Gawker shows that Wilson is a pretty big man, probably as big as Brown. But in wingnut world, being large is only scary when you're blah

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This must be the same reasoning behind Obama's refusal to release his school transcripts to Donald Trump--hidden records of murder and mayhem.

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So in Johnson's world Rick Perry is guilty as sin too? I mean, he was charged with abuse of power. Or does "charged = convicted" only apply to those of, shall we say, a <em>lower</em> economic class and a <em>slightly</em> different contrast?

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...I'm sure the same line of reasoning will be applied to whether Officer Darren Wilson was a bigoted racist that was so enraged by a Black Boy questioning his authority, that he decided to choke and then shoot him in a fit of rage!?!?!

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he's too stupid to even change the batteries

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