Good catch.

If a prominent Dem started with that ""In the context of the election" crap, we'd be savaging him/her... That's some three-piece evil right there.

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Jeepers - Mormons, I guess.

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Isn't his real job shoveling horse shit?

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OT for Doc Z: <a href="http:\/\/graphics8.nytimes.com\/news\/business\/0915taxesandeconomy.pdf" target="_blank">More facts and figures</a> that the GOP, of course, doesn't like <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2012\/11\/02\/business\/questions-raised-on-withdrawal-of-congressional-research-services-report-on-tax-rates.html" target="_blank">and doesn't want anyone to see.</a> Climate, taxes, foreign affairs ... the patterns and parallels of GOP asshattery are astounding.

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Dumbya "kept the country safe" for exactly as long as it took Bin Laden and the boys to plan and prepare the attacks.

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Well, it's good to see he can plan <i>something </i>in advance.

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The free market will rebuild everything in no time. Already, gas is $5 a gallon in NYC, and that's helping tremendously. Invisible hand FTW!

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Is that anything like "uppity"?

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Nice of him to remind us of how well Dubya the bidness man managed Katrina.

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This reminds of the time al Queada crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center. Brownie's eventual boss Dubya did not act quickly when the nation was under attack. He sat quietly while the children around him finished reading "The Pet Goat", a story. "I didn't want to upset the kids", he explained years later. The people in the towers were already upset, as were the people watching on TV. He couldn't comfort them with his inaction, but he could keep those kids calm.

Dubya then avoided acting too quickly by flying away from New York, Washington and the fields of Pennsylvania where Americans were fighting desperately for their lives.

Dubya may have tragically failed to keep America safe that day, but he did not act too quickly which -- according to Brownie -- is the important thing.

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Nothing like opening an old wound and pouring in some fresh salt. Heckuva job, once again, dickhead.

-George W.

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Shouldn't a horse's ass like that have more flies buzzing around it?

We should ask an equestrian attorney this important question, if only we knew where it find a good one.

BTW, is Rafalca looking for representation? Is Brownie angling for this prestigious engagement?

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Gad. Has-been political nobodies are worse than the Kardishians. Braindead vanity whores who can't seperate attention from respect.

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While generally not an advocate of casual violence (when sober for instance) I do recognize that sometimes in order to prevent things from getting out of hand the judicious application of a board with a nail hammered through it is quite often indicated.

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Alt Text justifies this pony picture.

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