I think I'll take a poop to commemorate it.

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The story about Jonny not getting pulled into a comment spat... Some might differ, but I like to generalize that to "somebody needs to be the adult." It's not needing to get back, cover one's turf, etc. It's settling the kerfuffle without letting one's own pride kick in... The adult thing might not be the right metaphor for Jonny, but I do like to think of the adult thing as keeping one's ownself together when all else is coming apart...

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He is fascinating.Such talent!

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Yeah, and since the medallion thing is completely unrelated to the campaign, it can't be used to pay his fees. Knowing the Trump MO, I suspect they didn't find an alternate way to pay and are just doubling down on using campaign funds, which is why his lawyers are running screaming into the night instead of letting him slide a bit longer.

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As soon as he looses access to Russia's treasure trove of dirt, he's out. Unless he was smart enough to make .... hahahaha I can't even finish that sentence.

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Will he try to make it a holiday? Yes? Still don't care.

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"You didn't stop playing basketball because you got old, you got old because you stopped playing basketball." From that movie "Uncle Drew." Best line in the trailer. Get back to doing whatever you do to get exercise.

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If Cohen agrees to cooperate, it would be part of what's known as a global resolution. That means Cohen would be cooperating not only with the Manhattan US attorney's office but with any other federal criminal inquiries - like the Russia investigation - that he may have information about.

"Anyone that takes care of problems and buries the bodies is not someone you want to testify against you," said Jeffrey Cramer, a former federal prosecutor who spent 12 years at the Justice Department. "The damage Cohen can do is far greater than everybody else combined.

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Earnest rant: I know there are so many other crimes and transgressions by Donny Two Scoops and his cronies over which to be angry and upset, but the constant and purposeful attacks on a free press rip at my heart. When I read this headline today, I was overcome with despair. Destroying people’s trust in journalists and news organizations are affecting our public discourse and the health of our country for the next couple of decades (hell, FauxNews is one of the primary reasons we are stuck with this Traitor in Chief and the congressional klan of unethical, racist white men supporting him.)Textbook propaganda in the dictator’s handbook.

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It would be lovely for his present to be a Cohen flip.

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Thank you!

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Happy birthday! My 58th is still about 7 weeks out. It's still hard for me to process that I only have 2 more years until I'm 60. (Although it's not so hard every time I look in a mirror...)

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Happy (near) birthday! Here's hoping for that present to come early!

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Happy birthday!

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You think Melania will get him a card?

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