Good question. I asked the same question. I was told it was a corporate decision. Same thing with checks from banks with routing numbers in the flood zone. Guess what else happened? Every single person with an address in the flood zone saw their credit scores dropped 50 points 3 days after the hurricane. For no good reason. They did it because they can do it.

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I think they just didn't realize that any of this is illegal.

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Oh no. I'm genuinely sorry. It's a rabbit hole that ends no where good.

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They can work at Fox "News"

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I used mine till it broke. I'm really sorry I couldn't get another.

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It's like these guys all went to Fox News/Trump University Law skoolz. They act like #1 lawyering rule for them is "It's all good until a) we get caught and b) we are made to stop. The hubris and entitlement is at astronomical levels.

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A good question. The CC companies may well cancel the accounts for eventual non-payment due to destitution, but that shouldn't affect the agreement between the companies and the vendors prior to cancellation.

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I just hope for Allen Weisselberg's sake that he is somewhere in middle America under an assumed identity being protected by Robert DeNiro.... 'cuz we know that once the 'Accountant' becomes a probable key witness, they often don't live very long....


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"...When I heard of Cohen's retainer for $130,000, he was doing no work for the president. I said, "Well, that's how he's repaying it, with a little profit and a little margin for paying taxes for Michael..."

Yeah, because when you are doing something that "isn't even a crime", you have to make sure to fib about it and falsify the books to make it look like you are doing something totally different...

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Everyone but the two other chumps, of course.

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Why wouldn’t stores accept c cards from the flood zone?

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I can't keep up.

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Oh Dog yes. Hundreds of thousands. I did a very simple business law case a decade ago and spent 25Gs. And that was my lawyer being nice to me. Cohen has more than one lawyer, and none of them are nice like that.

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