I don't understand the director's choice to cut away from that attractive woman in the black dress to follow the wanker in the blazer even I would know not to wear. If this was going to be a women's empowerment video, shouldn't they have cut to some beefcake instead of that sad little doughnut?

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Also... what song is that? I want to hear more.

Edit: Oh. Hehe. I am so out of touch. I did not know the Sopranos had a theme song.

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Maybe he’s been hanging with Roger Stone.

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Now hold on a minute. Jim Rockford never did anything to deserve that.

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Stress eating, I'll bet. Nice morning to be strolling on Park Ave though.

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He's staying well clear of 5th Avenue.

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He had a valid excuse. It was the '70s, FFS!Aliens came along around that time and vacuumed all the fashion sense out of the brains of US-Merkans. And they went really crazy on three Australians who sang like girls. Also, they anal-probed Michael Cohen, accidentally removing his brain in the process.

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My point being despite ugly fashion choices, there are some who can wear anything and still look cool. Even Garner's hair style holds up.

Chuck Connors could make it work as well.


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...charlatan for a lawyer?

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Beat me by 17 minutes!! I loled fer real.

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Fun prank, a little late for April Fool's day: The court should say, "Okay, Mr. Cohen's lawyers, you've convinced me. Here's all the documents the FBI recovered from their perfectly legal and by-the-book search warrant of your client's offices. And home. Can you get back to me with a preliminary privilege list by, say, next Monday?"

Next Monday rolls around, and the lawyers, unsurprisingly, say, "It's all privileged, your honor. Now you can call the next case, and we'll all go off somewhere and smoke cigars (which sounds dirty but we didn't mean it that way)." Everyone on the courtroom erupts in laughter as Judge Wood asks the attorneys to open the boxes and riffle through the papers in them. The top page was a copy of a legitimate letter or something, but every other page is . . . blank.

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TJ Maxx. Off the rack. Saved big bucks! More cash for Cubans.

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I'd love to get $130K for not talking about having sex with Donald Trump.

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Actually, you're wrong.

When two-button suits were first invented (right word?), you did button both. But the problem was, the King of England at the time, Edward VII, was so fat that he couldn't. So everyone else stopped buttoning the bottom one.

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"He has suggested to people close to him that perhaps he should act as his own attorney, because he may be the most apt person to defend himself."

Yes, Mikey. You're right. It's the bold thing to do. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Q: What do you call people who represent themselves in court?A: Convicts

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How do I know that's not a $20 wrapped around a bunch of $1's?

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