The Addams Family? Will they BBQ him or roast?

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The women are strong, and the men are good looking.

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Better: Jell-O with Miracle Whip.

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asshole can't be bothered to wear a jacket

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"the drunk guy needs to be more specific."

He'd fit right in the wonkette comments.

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"as if he hasn't been kissing their asses for most of his career."

Yep. Another example of why I never refer to my 40-year life of writing crazy as a "career."

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So, do I get the car or don't I?

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No updates pending.

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"The snarling face of the donor class?" This is coming from Tucker? Isn't he in that class, and so are the CEOs of the advertisers that are keeping Fox on the air? It's just hilarious that trust-fund Tucker thinks he's somehow in the vanguard of the revolution or something. It's chic now in Republican circles to think or at least put out for the rubes that you're some scrappy insurgent doing battle against the Establishment. All the time in the service of the party of plutocrats.

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"Fucking weasel bitch" is so good that I would like Michael Fanone to plant a similar-styled name on every member of the Treason Caucus. Let 'er rip!

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He's been in Congress since 2007 and hasn't done a damn thing to help out the people he allegedly represents.

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Bike Snob NYC called them "smarting phones".

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What really happened was that she somehow avoided slugging him. But the bad lip reading is perfect.

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"I am a shrubber ... "

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You get run over by the car.

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It'll be the Fourth of July before we get a speaker.

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