And after that the MAGA minds drove to the Red Hen Restaurant in New Hampshire to glare through the window at all the traitors at Brunch! Take that Libtards!

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Thank you. My Dad served in the Marine Corps in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, and for the life of me, I can't fathom how any honorable military would get involved with this trash.But then, Oliver North etc. Also, the VA is no picnic. Deep in the pockets of big pharma, speaking from experience.

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Cannot hear "LOCK HIM UP" enough. Love it, that traitor.

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Oh my god. How outrageous of me to suggest that a two party system leads to a shitshow like the current shitone. Lol. Sensitive much?

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Probably just a coincidence

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When did Thailand start cloning their soldiers?

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"Clear" him? How is that supposed to work?Is it possible that the few dipshits who showed up don't know he pleaded guilty?

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All the upvotes!

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No wonder these nitwits think liberal protestors are all paid actors -- they can't imagine a world where more than 10 people have the energy to get off their asses for something they care about.


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Entropy will eventually cause all of the evidence to decay, as will all records of his guilty plea. THEN he'll be exonerated!

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Well, that's... curious.

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We do need the left to pull the Overton window, but we need to get over our disagreements when facing off in the general election.

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Please please please let all these dominoes fall into the dustbin of history.

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Flynn is a scientologist?


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Ding ding ding

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