Will not. Infinity!

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Hang in there! Adulting sux, for sure.

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General Flynn will soon be Private Flynn. His hand was in the cookie jar.

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Louie Gohmert?

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This is making a wonderfully perfect example of all those trumptard flag wavers not really giving a shit about 'Murica. Patriotic as a parrot looking for a cracker. Russia who? They just like their special little white bits of it, full of pickups and shit.

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If there's correspondence with a more senior Trump official stating that Flynn was directed or prompted to do this, then there's enough to a) climb the ladder and b) start drawing up indictments for conspiracy and aiding & abetting a foreign power.

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OOH I'm SURE FDF's briefs are very very legal!


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OR behind door #3: restarting the F-22 production line with upgraded avionics (helmet-synced high off-boresight AIM-9X capability, upgraded AESA radar, etc)

But goddamn the Typhoon and Rafale are badass-looking jetshttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-...

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eh, just have to be Republican.

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I understand the biggest problem with bringing back the F22 is that the production maulds/manuals are no longer there so new production is not possible. Correct me if I am wrong. I would love to have the F22. My nickname in sports was Raptor and when the F22 came out I kinda felt connected to that because of it :)

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Can I just get blackout drunk for 4 years until this Shitshow is over??? Please??

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True. A lot of the tooling and documentation has been destroyed due to the OH SO SEEKRIT nature of its development, so that wheel will have to be reinvented, but given how much $$ the Pentagon is willing to sink into the F-35, doing exactly this isn't completely out of the question.

In my neck of the woods, a stopgap Super Hornet purchase is under scrutiny, I suspect, for making far too much sense.

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Best French invention EVER!

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