I have many books in the multiple bookcases in my spare room/library also.

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To use a 1960s expression, Grotty!

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It sure as hell wasn't black dancing.

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Brutal. I'll never eat there.

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I did it about 4 times after my knee replacement .. It is miserable, even if you (like me) really hate the way the opiates make you feel.

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lie lay lain intransitive lay laid laid transitiveIron clad in my youth now almost extinct.

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Will you refer to anything I've said? Say something specifically. I'm interested. Are you interested in honest discussion?

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I have been on this shit too long to "feel" any buzz or euphoria from them. In order to achieve a "high" I'd have to take a helluva lot more in one dose than I am supposed to.

I am not inclined to do that. If I want to get high I know where my cannabis is. I don't take opiates for a buzz, I take them to control chronic pain so that I can remain at least a somewhat functional life. If it weren't for wanting to walk, dress myself, make a meal, dust a table, sweep a floor, or dozens of other activities of daily living that pain interferes with, I would NOT bother with the constant hassle of maintaining an opiate prescription in 21st century, Opiate Crisis America.

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I was just sympathizing. No offense

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I'm fortunate that a nest of these Queatures was recently eradicated from my apartment complex. They lived just 25 feet from my front door. I'm now patiently observing my upstairs neighbors very carefully. They behave as you'd expect very nice, reality based people would. However, they did socialize daily with the Q infestation pre-eviction. I'm hoping they were just pretending to be stupid in order to access the very fine edibles produced by Mrs. Q

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well, since you all insist (you do, right?), i will continue. military people would never have been such utter twits and/or they would not have been given any air time; nobody would have put up with that. dignity was important. we were not raised to be vapid attention-seeking annoyances. (oh boy, i'm really getting into my elderly mode here) if you were guilty, you shut your face and did your time, not hire a bizarre attorney and hope for a pardon from the president. if your kid was a guilty creep, every mother in the neighborhood would have had a piece of him before turning him over to you for appropriate punishment (which would have be given).

also too, stay off my goddam lawn.

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oh heck, i should have thought of that.

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I miss the 70s, so much.

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well, sonny, i must be a bit older--i miss the 60's! : )

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And those memes. Powerful stuff.

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well damn, while i was attempting to write the great american novel above, you put it into the perfect 25 words or less!

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