Did Trump know for sure that Michael Flynn was under investigation when he asked Comey to 'go easy' on Flynn? Sounds like he had just learned that information!
I think he is goading the Democrats to start discussing impeachment ahead of the midterms. He himself has been raising the specter of impeachment on the stump to gin up his base. Get out there and vote GOP or you'll be stuck with Nancy Pelosi and impeachment! Let's not play into his tiny little hands.
See? That thing right there in the header is what's wrong with us today. No sense of history. We have known since the 1970's that if the President does it, it isn't illegal. A famous Republican President said so. So, you know, it has to be true.
"Prosecutorial discretion" is a thing though. It was the whole basis for the "Dreamers" program. The President can say "don't prosecute that guy" as part of his job.
I'm sorry but "obstruction" just ain't gonna do it against a President. It's a dumb theory. Get him for conspiracy to do some other thing please.
Baron Trump? The Sardaukar as a branch of Special Forces? Ivanka as Alia of the Knife?
It is an axiom of the GOP that government is incompetent; then they get elected and prove it.
Just like our president.
I think he is goading the Democrats to start discussing impeachment ahead of the midterms. He himself has been raising the specter of impeachment on the stump to gin up his base. Get out there and vote GOP or you'll be stuck with Nancy Pelosi and impeachment! Let's not play into his tiny little hands.
Nope, it has https://uploads.disquscdn.c... to be this:
Well, as two foreign agents, they got along great, wouldn't you say?
It's true, but Nixon didn't just straight -up order the FBI to stop investigating the break-in.
I'd kill to know what the hair piece knew and when it knew it .
See? That thing right there in the header is what's wrong with us today. No sense of history. We have known since the 1970's that if the President does it, it isn't illegal. A famous Republican President said so. So, you know, it has to be true.
Wow, REALLY? Is that why the very first Article of Impeachment against Richard M. Nixon was for “obstruction of justice?”
Seriously monk, look it up. Derp.
Exactly. After all, we have no evidence that it colluded with anyone.
The President, however, as any other criminal, cannot say "don't prosecute ME"; that's the part that's the obstruction.
"Prosecutorial discretion" is a thing though. It was the whole basis for the "Dreamers" program. The President can say "don't prosecute that guy" as part of his job.
I'm sorry but "obstruction" just ain't gonna do it against a President. It's a dumb theory. Get him for conspiracy to do some other thing please.
And Senate.
Nature will find a way!
That was then, this is now.