I think it's important to let them know why you're not going to do business with them again

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uhhh, ok.

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Or the old SNL skit where the bumbling American President was a genius.

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Dunno that one. 🤔 But now remembering loads of old SNL from the 70s. 😂 Who will play Pence after he pardons Trump? Hmm.

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No. A fer piece. From the tree.

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Or unmasking benghazis!

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Wall already built. Mexico paid. Harvey the hurricane pooka knocked it down. Believe me.

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The douche doesn't fall far from the bag......

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I think we are.

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True, but we're talking jail for the family that does crimes together, so they can stay together. We're not talking the Roman answer (kill them all).

Though with scum like Mnuchin and his lovely Marie Antoinette....

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hehehehe! classic!

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i believe they use hair gel, or so i've heard.

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of course. it's evan.

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That's hilarious, and not just because Dwayne Johnson makes my bathing suit part quiver.

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He's def got that "Sure, sure, whatever crazy-ass thing you say..." expression down.

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