Snipy libel!

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Let me count the ways.

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It's official. Whatever committee a GOPer serves on, just go ahead and arrest them for whatever crime relates to their committee.

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Immediately after that photograph was taken he devoured that puppy in a scene eerily reminiscent of Diana from "V".

The fact that he's reptilian may finally explain the strange orange glow about him.

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Sure, sure, but what's his stance on deporting illegals (those that aren't slaving in his stupidly-named restaurant, that is)?

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300 for the God-WIN, 100 extra style points for the mike drop.

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and damn him for forcing us to think about his manbits.

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Watch the right spin this as "he only did this because payroll taxes are too damn high" and urge Congress for more tax cuts on jerb creators.

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