Point conceded. It's about cruelty, period. Once the kid drops from the womb, it's on it's own.

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Are they all the same type of nuts, and from the same brand or bag? Lots of options for why it’s only happening right now. Also, my dad isn’t allergic but OMG does he get nut farts!

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Egg donation? In this economy??

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I think I'm developing an allium (garlic and onion) allergy, and I am an old. I haven't been tested, but the routine barfing seems to be a fair indication.

I also developed an allergy to avocado while pregnant with my twins that has since extended to bananas.

It can 100% happen.

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So far, so good.

Ala Chris Pratt.

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Maybe next time when we stay in our hunting camp up by Whipple's Dam.

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They say, you know, going to a slave market and just viewing people as brute animals and then purchasing them and then having them as part of our household, that was wrong.

I don't know. That sounds an awful lot like my childhood . . . Dad.

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So, while I don't expect anyone that SmΓ©agol Gollum Ben Shapiro hires to be that smart, you would think that this idiot BeyoncΓ©'s lesser brother would know that egg and sperm donors have been around for over 40-years. But he is upset that a gay couple used a donor instead of the traditional Australian method of fucking a kangaroo if you can't conceive?

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I served as the donor for a lesbian couple back in Oregon. Their daughter - because she is their daughter, not mine - knows that some of her genetic makeup came from somewhere outside of the household, but specifically from whom as yet. Since I signed a contract specifying that I have no rights or responsibilities regarding her - which I think was the right thing to do - I do not consider her to be my child. Because she isn't. Her nonbiological parent, who will be there for every scraped knee, every broken heart, every time she plays that damn song too loud, IS her parent.

I'll grant that, from your description, their relationship with their surrogate is . . . interesting. She presumably knew what the deal was going in, however. While acknowledging the biological significance of pregnancy, I also can't help but instinctively balk at the equivalence of parentage to biological descent.

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Human regression continues apace because an increasing number of spaces equate parentage with raising children rather than strict biological descent from two individuals?

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Is paying a fee to adopt a child akin to buying that child?

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Man, he must *REALLY* hate adoption then, huh?

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Fuck the blonde and blue eyed bullshit. Who says that is "superior" to any other looks combination? So sick of it.

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it's nice to know that it's all about you, not Beyonce's dad.

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Regarding specifically his argument about designer babies chosen specifically for physical characteristics:

So when is this chode going to go out and adopt a child with a cleft lip, or one with a clubbed foot? One with a prominent birthmark, perhaps?

We may well be close to being able to choose the genetics of our children, but we aren't there yet. And Michael Knowles is just a fucking tool.

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