I have said many times that Republicans suffer from, at the most basic level, a lack of imagination. It forms the foundation for all the ridiculous things they believe.

Except for religion and conspiracy theories. They're good at those fantasies somehow.

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"Fellas, is it gay to marry a woman?"

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How did these freakshows handle Sadie Hawkins dances? (Traditional girl asks boy to dance)

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Badly. Not because they can't wrap their brains around it. After all, it's a TRADITIONAL temporary reversal of TRADITIONAL norms, they're very okay with that. But the damned girls never seem to pick them!

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Is it possible the guy had made marriage proposals to her up the ying--yang and finally she decided it was the right time to agree and did so by proposing to him when she did. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that is what happened. So, good for them.

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"We all just kind of know intuitively that a man is supposed to propose marriage to a woman." NOPE.

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"We all just kind of know intuitively that a man is supposed to propose marriage to a woman. And you might not be able to articulate the precise reasons why that is, but we all know it intuitively."

And I guess we all know intuitively that a man must pay some goats or sheep to the woman's father because a woman is a valuable commodity, right Michael? You Daily Wire boys are exceedingly weird.

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Eleanor of Aquitaine proposed to Henry Plantagenet. That was nearly 900 years ago.

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. --Inigo Montoya

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I'm talking about the centrists and the moderates and even center-right

Well, that is giving the game away, Mikey. Just outright admitting that center right is not actually moderate or centrist.

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"This, right here, is literally why the Right sucks at art. They can’t tell new stories, consider new perspectives. It’s probably why Michael Knowles failed to make it as an actor. As an actor you have to be able to imagine thinking and feeling like other people, and he cannot conceive that anyone would ever think or feel differently than he does. He can’t even imagine people having relationships different from relationships he’s been in."

This times a million and burning with the fire of a thousand suns.

Despite my clumpy appearance, I love art, I understand art, have practiced art, and have a Master's in it in literature. The staleness of these people's vision is galling to anyone with any aesthetic sensibility at all. From Trump's rhetoric, oppressively repetitive and artlessly (in the worst sense of that word) cruel, to J. D. Vance's pathetic attempts at what I guess his speech-writers imagine is humor, to the rank-and file Trumper whose soul of wit consists of "TRUMP THAT B¡TCH" printed on a T-shirt (he is so happy about being clever!). I used to repeat a joke with my students and colleagues after I had delivered some successful witticism: "Making people laugh is the lowest form of humor."

It still applies. These people cannot use it, humor or any other sort of actual creativity. Their art is the art of the cruel, of the small boys who imagine the "worst torture possible" to each other. It leads them to horror, and that's what they want for us.

Laissez-moi rire.

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Well fuck.them and their lil boy sadism... Art is supposed to have the power to make you cry, but that power is within the art.

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I am a big reader-response oriented person when it comes to art, so I think it is an interaction between the work and the partaker, but I think your concept can still stand as they bring nothing to it. If you know nothing of the Renaissance, La Gioconda is just a chick with an irritating smile.

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Michael who?

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I only heard of a respected British actor. Pretty sure my Michael Knowles is the one who's pushing 90.

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I have heard of him once or twice. He did not say anything smart those times either.

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genius analysis here

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The bit about "art" at the end especially.

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What a lucky guy, I hope they are very happy!

And weirdo says WHAT? Rational?!? Ha ha ha ha hahah.

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I have to admit, I thought Michael Knowles was Beyoncé’s father. Honestly liked it better than knowing facts about Daily Wire personae.

Also I proposed to Prince Albert, but the Queen must approve all marriages, so…

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It sure seems like people with that last name tend to be criminals...

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"Also I proposed to Prince Albert, but the Queen must approve all marriages, so…"

Was that after the half-pipe event?

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Ta, Robyn. Nice cake. What a maroon.

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He's just another weirdo

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