Each time I read anything Michele Bachtwat I immediately want to stand in my front yard and yell "Shut the Fuck Up" at my neighbor's yapping Jack Russell Terrier. But alas, the dog is way smarter from M. Bachtwat. In fact the only thing the dog can't do that Michele can is pick up her own shit. However, Michele would eat shit whereas my neighbor's dog does not have coprophagia.

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wow. what a great script idea. glad somebody spent time on that.

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<i> I was still a sinner and I knew it.</i>

you still are you stupid stupid woman.

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Fortunately her bliss seems to only work on 25% of the population.

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Bachmann/Ventura 2012. The Conspiracy Party

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So she's 66% correct. That's a D in my book sister.

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Her strongest evidence that Minnesota can't do a clean vote-count is her own election to Congress.

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But that turned out OK, right? Just a couple wars, some terrorism. Bodies in New Orleans. Tax-cut fueled deficits. Financial system nearly collapsed. More crime. Pollution. Medicare crisis deferred. Globe warmed up nicely. Chief Justice John Roberts. Did I mention the dead people?

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Hey, trollie, trollie! Down-fist this:

Jesus is Lord! Andrew Breitbart is a patriot and a genius with impeccable personal hygiene! Taxes are job-killers!

Edit: That was impossibly fast. Somebody's got an automated script going, or hired a roomfull of computer jockeys in Mumbai.

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