"Liberace sound-alike hubby"

Best description of Michelle Bachmann's husband ever coined.

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Make it a hibernating bear, and I'll buy tickets.

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If I build a home, do they call me Michele the Builder? No! If I dig for gold, do they call me Michele the Miner? No!

But you blow one llama...

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You know who <i>else</i> thought their eyes had special powers?

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well, he's a dem right?

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i spend a lot of time with the peoples of my mother in ontario and outside toronto they look a lot like that.

actually come to think of it, outside any major city in the continent's midsection they look like that.

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Look at her upper arms, seems to be a farmer's tan there.

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that's quite the evocative photo. The mustard makes a nice touch...it is mustard, right?

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I'm wondering how "chastity or abstinence" is going to help a woman carry her unborn child to term. Not hard to see why nobody will co-sponsor the mindless stream-of-consciousness crap she comes up with.

Oh, and shouldn't her so-called "salary" run out after 99 weeks?

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Can we get her to use 40% less oxygen? Again, a bigger number is better, but 40% is a good starting point.

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Is there a way to pay the entire rest of the Republican conference to stay out of Washington?

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Imagine how that llama feels. He wakes up in the morning with Michele sleeping on his haunch. The first llama wolf-date!

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<i>Bachmann has missed nearly 40% of House votes </i>

You say that as if it were a bad thing.

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in five short years, republicans have now managed to make kitty look sane.

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