Retiring Congressdipshit Michele Bachmann has been doing a peculiar version of the Minnesota Long Goodbye, except instead of the usual arrangement, where a host follows a departing guest out to the car asking if they're really sure they don't want to take a little hot dish home with them, Ms.
Every CEO ever?
No such luck. This applies to several new crazy eyes who were recently elected as well. (I'm looking you Iowa)
Marty McFly?
I'm new to this cause and effect thing, but gas prices started falling as soon as Bachmann said she would not seek reelection.
Leave my parents alone.
...I'm sure Marcus Bachman is excited at the drop in the cost of petroleum based products.
Oh, one-L's not common. She's a very, very special snowflake.
Obama. Worst. socialist. evah.
The crazy eyes set her apart as a different species. Of what species, exactly, no one is sure.
Only half? You've been lucky!
Sui generis. I wish.
She never gave me gas . . . acid reflux, maybe.
My ex's mom!
Good! Wonderful. Do that. First step: an exploratory committee to find the place. Start now, She1ey.