troubles is- the rest of them have quit and sued her

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every thorn has its prick

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well, i think we can all be thankful that nothing else happened between 9/11 2001 and 9/11 2012.

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Yeah I had precisely the same experience, read those books (The Incarnations of Immortality series) when I was a pre-teen, trying to read them again in my 20s was painful.

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Still better than the Xanth shit.

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Job, for not having a job?

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He's co-dependent.

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Maybe She/He/It/Them just lets the answering machine pick up, to avoid folks like Michele.

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One thing you have to say about Mr. Jacob is he never has had noticeable writer's block.

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Can God author articles of impeachment that even He can't successfully defend against? Then He is not omnipotent...

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Send Him to Godmo.

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there's always Jon McNaughton

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Ha. That was weird. I scored a 69. I think there is something wrong with their "See what others said" thing though. E.g., I answered "Parents were mostly married", and "No piercing". The comparison bar chart claims to be "Percentage who gave the same response as you", but if I believe that, it means that only 14% of Boomers had parents who were mostly married, and all members of the silent generation have piercings.

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waaay ahead of you. For not mentioning penicillin in the Bible.

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Ralph Reed (of all people) said when you mix religion and politics, you get politics.

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God slavishly obeys the laws of physics and probability. pussy.

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