Calm down. The teabagger old men will not vote for any woman for president ever but because they have some kind of brain dysfunction they will all mail her money to run. It's just business.

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If you look from one to the other quickly, I think she's saying "PENIS ANUS" or maybe "PEENOOS ANGEL"

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<blockquote>Michele Bachmann should have been a blow job</blockquote> Yes, a one-termer of a different sort.

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True, but the capital of Assclownburg has had quite a population increase lately...

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Most Republicans seem to have forgotten that freedom and liberty include the freedom or liberty to disagree with them.

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So would she run if Mubarak were in the race too? Or does she see him as a successor? Maybe he could be on the ticket? Although having the witch on the ticket would be a huge plus.

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If one Bachmann term is so much better than two, imagine how great zero terms would be!

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Or a quarter-term. Beat that, Sarah Palin™.

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Downfisters add to pageviews which pay the rent at wonkette. Also, they -- the Breitbart crowd -- <i>love it</i> that teh liberals hate the downfist.

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I thought all our big problems were solved already. That's why Repubicans have turned their attention to lady parts, NPR, gay marrying in DC, teleprompter funding, birf certs. Or maybe they just gave up on "better ideas".

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And, she isn't a witch!

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Yesterday I was reading an article about the federal budget and almost every Repug name in it had "candidate for president" included. I think the "R" after their name now stands for "Running". 'cause they're ALL doing it.

Talk about delusions of grandeur.

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Just her waffles.

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What's 40 feet long and has 12 teeth?

The front row of a "Bachmann for President" rally.


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I always get that wrong.

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