Methinks the lady doth protest too much. She is thrilled by the dream that our Regime is moving everyone closer to the return of Jesus by letting the (pick an) enemy destroy the Temple.. She is among the people who love love love this shit.

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... yet he only spoke Occitan, and so after spending just a few months in <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Perfidious_Albion" target="_blank"><i>Pèrfida Anglaterra,</i></a> Rick sailed back south on his Catalan, <a href="http:\/\/www.azlyrics.com\/lyrics\/beatles\/getback.html" target="_blank">singing...</a>

<blockquote><a href="https:\/\/translate.google.com\/#ca\/en\/Aconsegueix Basc! Aconsegueix Basc! Aconsegueix Basc a on tu un cop pertangut." target="_blank"><i>Aconsegueix Basc! Aconsegueix Basc! Aconsegueix Basc a on tu un cop pertangut.</i></a></blockquote>

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ISIS, Iran...to one-L it's all just one big morass of brown.

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The real outrage here is $6 for a foot long!

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The fact that Miche1e didn't win the 2012 nomination just proves that Republicans have no sense of humor.

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Visit rural Minnesota sometime, including St Cloud. Really nice people! But just a tad crazee. They can't understand why anybody would want to live in a apartment, wait at a stoplight, not own guns, eat tofu, or believe in any god but The Sweet Baby Jebus.

Not that different from rural Alabama, Iowa, California, you name it.

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You make a big to-do about her being on the House "Intelligence" Committee. What's next -- "science" for the House Science Committee?

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Louie Gohmert may lose his place as Stupidest Man in Congress with this sweet Georgia peach of a shit-fer-brains.

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We need to cut One-L some slack. When a group of people share a similar skin color, rockin' beards, and the wrong god, borders are irrelevant.

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<i>When has bombing the hell out of a Middle Eastern country not brought immediate success?</i>

Or indeed bombing the hell out of any country? ~Pol Pot

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In fairness, that was the year when everyone ran for for the GOP nom. A plastic bigmouth bass singing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" carried South Carolina.

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At least Obama didn't send the Iranians a chocolate cake and a bible. That was fucking nuts.

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