House GOP also votes to send the Statue of Liberty back to France as it may be sending the wrong message.

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...an enema for OTHER people.

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The problem with Republicans is that they're great at tactics and really awful at strategy- that's why they are good at winning elections and shitty at governing. It also explains their complete inability to think long term. Unfortunately, they balance that out with a tremendous skill at finding the right feces to fling against the wall at any given time to give themselves a temporary advantage. It also doesn't hurt to build a political party that relies upon appealing to our worst instincts and the lowest common denominator- there will never be a shortage of people lacking in smarts or ethics or moral grounding or all of the above, so despite their faults, the GOP will probably continue to be a force to be reckoned with for some time.

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year or less? Try 6 weeks... I get so sick of that canard, "You guys had 2 years"


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Dude, talk about taking one for the team...

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Rep. Cicilline is not only the son of a criminal attorney long known for defending mobsters, he's also gay, Jewish and Italian. That makes him a triple Democrat at least.

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<blockquote>Yr Wonkette would just like to remind Ms. Bachmann that the safe word is “green balloons.”</blockquote> Really? I was expecting <a href="http:\/\/1heckofaguy.com\/2006\/06\/02\/urbane-skills-how-the-optimal-sub-avoids-suboptimal-safe-words\/" target="_blank">“Hamiltonian-Federalist Jeffersonian-Republican Alignment.”</a>

(See #12.)

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Not busted up?

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<blockquote>“You failed to act, so don’t point your fingers at us!” Rep. Raúl R. Labrador, R-Idaho, told Democrats, who during their control of the House, Senate and White House did not enact comprehensive immigration overhaul legislation.</blockquote> Michele? Marcus? Rep. Labrador? Kinky sex and Domination?

Wait, I think I have seen this movie already! <a href="http:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0083869\/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083869/">http://www.imdb.com/title/t...

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Dog, cow, Negro, all impeached.

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<i>“In other words, Mr. Speaker, we will put a handcuff on one of the president’s hands,” Bachmann said on the House floor.</i>

She also wanted to add to the bill:

1) Deport all kids, including U.S.-born 2) Ban tacos 3) Obama’s name legally changed to “Obummer”

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Bamz, so maybe... But nah. With Crazy-Eyes in the mix, I do not find this the least bit fappable.

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Michele only has one shade of derp.

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Lawless president. Hmmm ... that reminds me of something. Reagan selling arms to Iran to finance Contra terrorism in Nicaragua? Dubya delaying Medicare part D? Nixon and Watergate? Got it! George W. Bush torturing prisoners. Your move, International Criminal Court.

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Doesn't she make you long for the days when members of Congress were capable of feeling shame? Though this is a total waste of time, I have to say it: For shame, Michele Bachman. You are a disgrace to the body politic.

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