It's part of the end of the world thing for her religion. It sounds nutty to us but they know what she means.

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Maybe he'll remind people that the Colonel was a state sponsor of terrorism in the 80s....and no one will care.

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This seems true...For every 1 Al Sharpton, you have 5 Pat Buchanans, Mike Huckabees, Sarah Palins, Newt Gingriches, and Christine O'Donnells.

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If Obama could walk on water, the WSJ's headline would read "Obama can't swim."

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Republicans really do still think it's still the 1920s.

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Alfred Hitchcock <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=DPt-4Nwght0" target="_blank">in particular</a>.

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I spent like two hours on all of them. Bless you.

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These are the people who home school their kids.

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I'm just surprised that her handlers aren't saying she was using the Soviet Union as a metaphor for China because Michelle is clever and doesn't want to alert our ChiCom masters about her plans.

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Most of 'em were purchased somewhere. Probably at Costco, in the economy 12-pack.

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It's gonna take a lot to get a rise out of old Alex at this late date. Not that Rosario Dawson doesn't have a decent chance.

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Are you sure it's not the Mayans? 2013 is right around the corner, you know.

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There's an L of a difference.

Think of the L as a chromosome: you really, really need two of them.

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<i>"Keep f'n that chicken."</i>

Are we not allowed to say "fuck" on wonkette anymore? It's that Kirsten Boyd Two-Shoes' fault. Easy for her to throw down some rules. I'll bet she even gets paid for what she writes here.

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Brown people. A billion of 'em.

Any other questions?

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In Soviet Union, outdated references make you!

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