You should be in the East Bay for New Year's Eve!

Actually - you probably shouldn't...

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I'll Check but I refuse to Mate. #1. Too nautical. #2. I'm married.

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Maybe someone can explain this to me...

How does Michele Bachmann oppose gay adoption, but is okay with <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=wU66lIHW1dU" target="_blank">her husband</a> having 23 foster kids?

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Sorry...bad joke time:

A man with a 30' long penis was admitted to the hospital. In order to make him more comfortable, they cut a hole in the ceiling above the bed. One day, a nurse came in to find him writhing in agony on his bed. Rushing to his side she asked what was wrong. He told the nurse, there's a fly on the tip...shimmy up and knock if off.

The nurse wasn't in the best shape, but she did her best...only making it half way. She apologized to the man, but he said it was no problem...do that once more and I'll drown the fucker.

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This is just smart career planning. First, she gives up her House seat to run for President(TP, Minn). Next, she loses to anyone with an IQ above 70. Finally, she becomes Chief Cartographer, Fox News.

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I am wanting to go to bed. And then I read Wonkette. And then I looked at the comments.

I only got one thought: Shut the Fuck Michelle. Oral Roberts University never produced any Rhode Scholars and your a useless dipshit. I remember Oral Roberts - and you're neither someone I want Oral and your no Roberts.

Eat more cheese curds and lose the next election.

Damn I hope I'm not downfisted. So do the Japanese.

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Given her verbal diarhea, I'm pretty sure she's a zombie already.

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Nut farming, I'd say.

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The media loves Obama so much they let every lie about him get repeated 100 times before even trying to fact check it, then hold a panel discussion on why people believe it.

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Don't forget the part where she yells "You're not the boss of me!", slams the door and puts on annoying music, then fantasizes about the much, much nicer press corps that the other girl is constantly hogging.

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And I hate fucking this woman. (don't ask)

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Picture for the win. Truth lives in snark.

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and more than once.

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this is ONLY because our kitty isn't around anymore of course.

and weirdly, kitty and michele one L look a lot alike.

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thank you and wish i could give more than one for that.

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I would wear it.

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