No one listened to her when she held office. Is there actually anyone listening to her now? I tend to doubt it. She is just hooking her wagon...it's what Michelle does.

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I object to any excessive objectification, but an immensely talented, funny, compassionate, and beautiful Broadway star is a pretty excellent choice for a celebrity crush.

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There is a cat story by Paul Gallico called "Jennie" in which Jennie, a mature cat, gives lessons in life to a kitten named Peter, and one of her often-repeated bits of advice is "When in doubt, wash!"

I take it the Trump campaign has co-opted this advice and changed it into "When in doubt, make something up."

Which reminds me of Mark Twain's saying ""Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

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To hell with the corn-dog, use the whole ear of corn!

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sorry can't reply right now. fantasy recurring ... just realized there is a mirror in the ceiling and when I look into it, I see the abyss, then I see the abyss staring back into me, then Michelle Bachmann starts talking in tongues using some orifice other than her mouth and I see that I have Ted Cruz's head, Sarah Palin's body, and Donald Trump's hands, and I am flagellating myself with a limp rolled-up copy of the Constitution translated into Russian Cyrillic. Normal day at the office, really.

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HOLD ON A SEC; I thought it was a decades-old tradition among Republicans to assume that "if the President does it, that means it is NOT illegal." Has something changed, somehow?

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Perhaps she meant, "they know the law so very well--after all, President Obama is a constitutional law scholar who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and taught constitutional law at University of Chicago, and Hillary Clinton is one of the first women to graduate with a law degree from Yale University--that they FLAUNT it! They've got it going on--they're SHOWING OFF how well they know the law!!!"

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AT THE MURDER SCENE, still holding onto the MURDER WEAPON!!! And they did not shoot. But he wasn't lying on his back with his arms raised trying to help an autistic man in distress--there's the difference, can't you see it?!!

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It's right up there with "infer" and "imply, and the worst of all, "weary" for "leery."

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I flout the law, but the law won.

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Yesterday a lady at the hardware store, noticing that I was buying a locally-made product (pickles, by the way, why they were at the hardware store, I can't quite figure out, but they're local and they're great), said "Ah, you buy local! So you're a Republican." I said, "No, I'm a Democrat. WE buy locally--not the Republicans." "no, no," she stubbornly insisted," REPUBLICANS buy locally! Not Democrats!" I said, "No, you've got it completely backwards" and then hastily beat a retreat before I kicked her, with votes. WHERE DO THEY FUCKING GET THIS FUCKING STUFF????? WHY???? WHY??? Vote for whoever you like but KNOW THE FUCKING FACTS!!!

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But she's venomous, bigoted, hateful, and destructive. That makes it disgusting.

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There's a school of "thought" which holds that words can mean anything you want them to mean, for all intensive purposes.

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It's coming down fast.

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So why is Michele Bachmann making up laws, when she's not even president?

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if it were truly legal to assault republicans without fear of arrest, this cunt would be locked in a safe room, waiting for the purge party to come knocking. and i would have a perfectly legal way to vent some pent up hostility.

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