In last night's debate (Thursday, 8/11) did Ole Crazy eyes say "I was the tip of the spear" or "I took his tip in the rear?"

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well thank you.

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Remember the New Heights Charter School in Stillwater she help start? The other parents kicked her out after a short time because she insisted on putting so much Jesus into the curriculum that they couldn’t get government funding.

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you are my hero

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I wish I were good at photoediting. I can see a 'shop of the Mona Lisa with Crazycake's (Hat tip to MinAgain) eyes and grimacing mouth.

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I was so disappointed myself when I attended my first Renaissance Fair. I expected throngs of beautiful, nude young men and all I saw were a bunch of nerds eating turkey legs and playing Dungeons and Dragons.

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Earlier, a friend of mine sent me an article from the Onion. It was so plausible that that it took me a minute to realize it was an Onion article. Imagine my surprise when I started reading this and I realized it wasn't from the Onion.

I can't keep up.

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Why bother? The reality will be a (bad) trip on its own.

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If she owned a mental health clinic, it would be called, "My Cure".

If she owned a optician's practice, it would be called "My Cure"

If she owned a gay bar, it would be called "His Cure".

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I still remember that first photo of her face raping Bush while wearing all that big chunky jewelry. She scared the shit out of him.

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i heard this guy on teri gross yesterday (as with all things new yorker, article tl;dr).

anyway, i imagine her 'must read' recommendation of the robert e. lee bio by slavery apologist J. Steven Wilkins will be another fun presser.

she is so not ready for prime time.

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it will when rickie saddles up to the bar.

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<i>views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans</i>

How nice. Kind of like the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

As a closet <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster" target="_blank">Pastafarian</a>, I can dig it.

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i too long for a world where forced perspective is the purview of auto-da-fe and not art.

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