It is such a tragedy that Rep. Michele Bachmann will soon be retired from Congress and no longer around to edutain all of us, especially President Obama, who doesn't knowanythingaboutanythingon all of the world's religions. Unlike Michele, who is A Expert. And not just on her own religion, which requires her to do whatever Marcus tells her to do because the Bible says he is the boss of her , or even just on Judeo-Christianity, which is basically the same thing plus Israel, and requires that all Jews hate Obama because that's in the Bible too. Michele also knows about The Islam, which the president does not understand at all, even though his administration is crawling with secret Muslim terrorists , so he should know better. Still, because Obama is not as smart as Bachmann, she has helpfully splained it for him because he is so wrong about everything:
When the president was being the theologian in chief, and he said that this is not Islam, ask that of the head of the Islamic state if what he is doing is about Islam. That’s all this is about. And their dedication is to wipe out western Christiandom as well as Judaism. That is their goal. Or ask Jihadi John, who beheaded Steve Sotloff, and the other photojournalist, James Foley, if this was about Islam. This was exactly done in conformance with their beliefs, not ours. With the jihadist beliefs and view of Islam.
So number one, the president’s falsely stated that this was not what Islam looks like, or the motivation wasn’t Islam, it exactly is. The president was completely wrong.
Don't we all feel much smarter now that we understand Islam equals terrorism because sometimes people do terrorism in the name of their religion, which means they speak for the billion plus people on the planet who adhere to that religion? That's a quick and handy fact to know the next time a self-proclaimed Christian does some terrorism (like, say, killing an abortion doctor, just for example), so we can all point and say that obviously this is the goal of Christianity, because Michele Bachmman said so.
[ RightWingWatch ]
She sorta has to embrace extremists as accurate representatives of a cause, since they made modern conservatism what it is.
And I'm sure the Crusades and the Inquisition were just rollicking fun times and didn't have a single whit to do with forcing people to convert or die, eh Michele?