Michele, femmes folles Les cellules de votre cerveau se sont finalement tournés vers gruau Oui, je l'ai dit gruau I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. That is all I have to say And until I find a way I will say the only words that I know that you’ll understand God hates you too.

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God doesn't answer the prayers of socialists. Man, he is still so pissed off at his son for that loaves and fishes bullshit.

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Let's pray for Tim Tebow.

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Band, or team? (AOT;K?)

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I strongly suspect she's waiting for "God" to repeal Obama. I hope the Secret Service is on top of all the homicidal right-wing fucktards out there, because that's who the bitch is talking to.

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Good point. All these monotheistic religions claim they know the right god, but maybe some religions got the equivalent of a sixth-round NFL draft pick. Sure, he might turn out to be Wes Welker, but he might also just turn out to be a short white dude who looks like an insurance salesman <a href="http://binaryapi.ap.org/73c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://binaryapi.ap.org/73c3b2403877461a8751def72...">http://binaryapi.ap.org/73c... - for example.

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As my mother used to say, Michele, God answers all prayers, and sometimes those answers are NO and ARE YOU KIDDING?

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God help the poor soul that gets between Marcus and a hard cock...

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This sounds like a disorder that I would grab my rifle and personally wage war against.

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Keep your snuff porn fantasies to yourself...

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Harry Houdini?

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Also: Editrix, what kind of feminazi refers to God as a Fella?

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Then the repubs could start talking about political bias in the FBI, and arrange endless hearings.

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Not yet...

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She forgets that some Muslins might set up a secret victory mosque somewhere in her home state, which everyone knows sends out Allah powered Jesus Jammer beams, totally disrupting any righteous Obama-targeting Bible Drones conjured by Real Americans working in the Military-Religious industry.

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Sweet. Because I totally am <strong>not</strong> waiting for the insurance exchanges to be set up so I can get a hernia surgery that I have needed for months.

I would much rather cut the thing out myself with a buck knife and a lot of prayer. Anyone have a good guide on how to sew with one hand? Pretty sure my other hand will be needed to keep my innards in while I stitch up...

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