I can smell the hairspray looking at that picture. Including the men's as well!

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<em>There’s going to be a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie</em>

Oh great - is this going to be one of those "grittier" versions that takes out all of the things that made the original fun to laugh at and tries to make it serious and sober?

If so, I'll just get this out of the way now:

"You suck! And you suck and you suck and...okay, you're cool. But the rest of you suck!"

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I only regret that I have but one sideboob to give for my country.

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Benghazi : Fox News :: John Birch : John Birch Society

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I think this calls for <i> <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=TiQT6mdMnH0" target="_blank">Brut</a>.</i>

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The one on the left is waaaay ahead of you there.

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It's a quote. Marie Antoinette after the grisly guillotine mishap. Botched executions go waaay back.

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