Sure, Wal-mart ordered their merchandise from China, but we rewarded them by buying it. I rarely shop there. But this one time I saw "Dutch Butter Cookies" and thought: "made in China?" Turns out they were actually made in Holland!
Then there was this other time. I wanted to buy a can of compressed air from China. So my Chinese friend could breathe some Chinese air. Anyway, the compressed air was from New Jersey! Since then they've switched suppliers. No more Jersey air.
<i>&ldquo;Walmart is more responsible than any other private employer in our country for <strong>creating poverty-level jobs </strong> that leave workers unable to purchase healthy food or provide a good life for their families.&rdquo;</i>
Job creator!!! Give &#039;em a tax cut. Hell, if lower taxes get job creators to create jobs, the Repubicans will say they should pay no taxes. (Uh oh, I may have given them an idea.)
thank you very much blair.
i have now wasted 20 minutes of my life unable to turn away from the trainwreck of &#039;people of walmart&#039;.
Sure, Wal-mart ordered their merchandise from China, but we rewarded them by buying it. I rarely shop there. But this one time I saw &quot;Dutch Butter Cookies&quot; and thought: &quot;made in China?&quot; Turns out they were actually made in Holland!
Then there was this other time. I wanted to buy a can of compressed air from China. So my Chinese friend could breathe some Chinese air. Anyway, the compressed air was from New Jersey! Since then they&#039;ve switched suppliers. No more Jersey air.
Mmm...maters. Seriously, I&#039;m going to go eat a delicious not-round-not-stepford-wives-lipstick-colored delicious one right now.
Is this substantively different from other weeks?
<i>&ldquo;Walmart is more responsible than any other private employer in our country for <strong>creating poverty-level jobs </strong> that leave workers unable to purchase healthy food or provide a good life for their families.&rdquo;</i>
Job creator!!! Give &#039;em a tax cut. Hell, if lower taxes get job creators to create jobs, the Repubicans will say they should pay no taxes. (Uh oh, I may have given them an idea.)