I have them, wear them infrequently just for real dressing-up, but they were a godsend when I was playing a nymphomaniac in tight clothing in a farce.

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Yes, but he keeps getting them caught on his ears when he tries to get his ass into them.

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Something that fits around the neck, perhaps.

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UD is wrong. spanx are for smoothing and nipping and tucking.

they don't come in size republican.

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"Wheel Of Outrage Turn, Turn, Turn Tell us now who we should spurn"

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I have a dream that my First Lady will one day live in a nation where she will not be judged by her body fat percentage, but by the content of her character.

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Not to mention the billions she must spend on hairdressers instead of a dew rag like that nice Aunt Jemima.

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And Barry stuffs his jockeys with a pair of gym socks!

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So does that mean a 350 lb redneck can wash down their bucket of chicken and 6 big macs with regular coke instead of diet coke now since Spanx obviously squeezes in 3/4 of your body weight? A truly remarkable garment indeed!

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Whalebone-staid corsets or GTFO

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So the lady from the south side of Chicago, descendant of slaves, member of the race that gets arrested for things white people get paid for; and who wears J. Crew bought from a catalogue, is more elite than Ann Romney, who owns show horses, has lived her entire adult life off of her father-in-law's trust fund, and buys $900 fishbird blouses.

The GOP doesn't just live in opposite-world; they have discovered a new opposite-galaxy.

I guess "elite," when applied to people of color, means "she don't talk like a niggah on a TV sitcom."

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History's GREATEST monster!

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Oh, I get it. Michelle Obama is fat, because Republicans have now unskewed their scales.

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I look forward to a day when women are comfortable enough with their own bodies that they no longer wear undergarments <strike>that make their hoo-has into swamps.</strike>


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