I know where Glenda should put those carrot sticks if not in his tummy. And by carrot sticks I mean firecrackers.

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Sometimes I wonder if M & B wonder WTF? They have to deal with people who have the reasoning skills of children and none of the charm.

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These Repubicans say they love the unborn but once some kid takes a breath, it's "eat shit and die". I mean that literally.

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"Obesity-by-way-of-laziness" is the main reason the nation is so overweight, so "healthy-by-way-of-laziness" is our best hope, really. As far as the carrots: may America come to you.

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Beck's hope for 2011 is to work his way up to rutabagas, with turnips as an interim vegetable.

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Michelle, I 'm a psychologist, and I'm here to help. You're a parent. You've dealt with kids during the "terrible twos." You know that power struggles are unhappy and unproductive when a child is exercising her "no" muscle.

This is where Negative Psychology comes in. Your critics are reflexive creatures, like most reptiles. They will deny/criticize anything you say/do. Don't fight it. Use it.

Announce: "Boys and girls, do NOT spend your allowance money on tubs of Parkay to eat with a spoon. Do NOT put down that Playstation and go out side to play. Do NOT walk to your friend's house; make your mom take you in the Tahoe."

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brown fatties like and will listen to FLOTUS. white fatties do not and will continue to double down with large fries and frosty on the side.

much like republican immigration strategy, this has it's own inescapable logic.

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