It's like "dark matter". Perhaps they're made of photinos.

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But Hillsdale has a fabulous course in "Defense Against the Dark Ones".

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Scott Walker is Gov. of Wisconsin. He has no jurisdiction in Michigan.

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That would probably be a whole lot funnier if it was applied to Minnesota because it sort of sounds like that state's nickname.

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According to the 'pediaz, Hillsdale College, founded in 1844, was an early center of abolitionism and was the first college in the US to ban discrimination based on race, religion or gender. It has a long history of resisting participation in Federal antidiscrimination initiatives though, apparently stemming from a radical libertarian perspective. It is pretty popular among conservatives.

Hillsdale's feud with the Federal and state governments over its opposition to government-sponsored affirmative action policies is quite long-standing. <a href="http:\/\/goo.gl\/z4P7RV" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://goo.gl/z4P7RV">http://goo.gl/z4P7RV</a>

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There's a lot more nuance and history behind this incident than that. I had a "WTF?" reaction to this too until I looked into the history of the college a little bit. Now my feeling is more like,"But, but... OK, but seriously now, WTF?" There's a lot of history behind this incident. Still really messed up, though but not for the expected reasons. This is a historically significant area of the upper Midwest, not the Deep South, and the dynamics are a bit different from those that operate in old Dixie.

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This college and its Dean are feuding every bit as much with Lansing as they are with Washington. This is not a state-supported college, and the State of Michigan is trying to get this bozo to comply with statewide regs too.

Michigan, a classic purple state, is far from having a homogenous political culture. Conservative libertarian Hillsdale is less than an hour's drive west of very liberal Ann Arbor, for instance.

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Yep, an admirable history now befouled by Limbaugh, who'd hawk luxury copies of the Koran if there were enough money in it for him.

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Just count the hoodies.

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Will this be included in Wonkette's <em>Great Moments in Chicken Fucking</em> collection?

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It's no accident that Hillsdale is El Rushbo's favorite <strike>institution of higher learning</strike> <a href="http:\/\/www.hillsdale.edu\/admissions\/news\/news_story.asp\?iNewsID=3114&amp\;strBack=\/Default.asp" target="_blank">college</a>.

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This is another reason why Dumbfuckistan can't secede. It's larded into rural areas all over the US and A, and overempowered by gerrymandering.

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