Saw it while touring.

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That was exactly the plan. And he was banking on any minorities who looked at the house being too intimidated to speak up.

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They left it behind, or you saw it on a home tour?

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I meant the stuff about vessel sinks and Liv Tyler’s house.

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I'd never heard of a vessel sink until I read this article. One look and I came to the conclusion that they look stupid. I have no idea if their practical or not.

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Yeah, actually. He clearly didn't have a realtor staging the house ahead of time.

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We ripped the tub out completely and replaced it with a shower. Mobility issues.

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or a lib

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The living room of the house we bought had wallpaper. Pink. That shit came down.

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My grandparents had one. The whole family called it Rosie, no idea how that came about.

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Yes, now I know that it's distasteful and offensive to decorate my home with KKK memorabilia. Oh wait, I already knew that.

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My very elderly parents are members of the SAR and DAR (they’ve earned medals and everything 🙄), all under the guise of “history” and “genealogy”. In reality it seems to be mostly white ancestor worship and a way to bolster their “cultural identity “, whatever that is.

Unfortunately, dad is also a member of the “Sons of the Confederacy”. They are always regifting me their newsletters, as I work in a school and they think that the kids could benefit from the “history”.

Propaganda is more like. If you want a real scare, you should take a look at the missives written by the amateur historians of the SOC. Basically, southern fried denial of reality couched in fervent religiosity and glorification of a horrific time in this country.

And of course, there’s no mention of a “Civil War”. Oh, no no no no no....that’s the “War of Northern Aggression” to us race traitors, you know.

Wanna guess where the parentals stand on the issue of Con flags and statues?

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Nailed it, you did.

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“...the answer to a question no one asked...”Yep, the coffee came out spewing.

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Somehow, he just doesn’t sound that smart, aware or calculated....

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Yep, they make functional, whimsical garden containers.

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