I get a vibe from people like these fake electors that they are fairly ordinary, lower-to-upper middle class people with no particular criminal record.

They are so high from drinking their own bathwater that they cannot conceive that they will be called out in any serious way for these crimes.

It is going to be a terrible shock to them and their families when they are sentenced to two-digit prison sentences for what they weirdly think is just speaking their mind in some way.

I just finished a book by a young man who experienced the prison system in Michigan. These people are going to just LOVE it.

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"what they weirdly think is just speaking their mind in some way."

a/k/a "Nobody thinks they're a terrorist."

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Yep, and it is a civic duty that they be educated.

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Actually, there is a scoop of truth to the litter-in-classroom hysteria; only, it's about (potential) active school shooter situations, not furries. https://nowthisnews.com/news/cat-litter-school-bathroom-conspiracy-theory And the truth has been in the public domain for nearly six years.

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Yep; and, as Caelan Conrad points out in this excellent take-down, the people who spend their time howling at the specter of imaginary litter boxes in classrooms are the very same people who are responsible for the conditions that have forced schools to plan for the eventuality that the children under their supervision may have to piss in a bucket while they hide from someone who intends to pulverize them with an AR-15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTnDk6nRczw&ab_channel=CaelanConrad

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Obviously the kids don't get a litterbox in the classroom, but if they did I know who I'd like to use as litter.

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Obviously the kids don't get a litterbox in the classroom, but if they did I know who I'd like to use as litter.

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We don't kink shame around here (we just kink ask why), so do your thing, boo! Just remember consent.

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Which kink is it that you think I've shamed? Kids? Cats? I was commenting on an imaginary situation concocted by Repubs and suggested they be used as litter. Unless you think being a Repub is a kink, there was no shaming.

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I wasn't accusing you of shaming. I was telling you I won't shame you. Go pee on a Repub! I'll support you all the way (but stand well clear of the splash zone).

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I misunderstood. I apologize. The problem with peeing on Repubs is, per rumors about trump, some of them enjoy golden showers.

I'd be happy to let my cats do it, though.

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These weren't winos and homeless people lured in with the promise of a twenty-dollar bill. These were pillars of the community, versed on the legal system from their own prior experience with it. Throw the book at them.

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The triumvirate of power in Michigan politics continues to rock.

My lil Dems group recently had SOS Benson talk with us and she's just so committed to making voting accessible and easy. Expanded days to vote in person, ease of getting a mail in ballot, more drop boxes for submitting ballots...she rules.

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All these white people committing felonies. Where are their parents?

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Looks like insurrection indictments are like busses. None for ages, then a heap turn up at once.

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I miss the good old days of Michigan politics when the repubs were too busy boning other legislator's spouses to get any other kind of fuckery accomplished.

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The Republicans used to elect people like Bill Milliken in Michigan. Boy, those days are long gone.

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YEP! We got these weirdos in the DAIRY STATE also. I'm expecting something happening soon.

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D states taking back the country one indictment at a time. Fuck Rs and not in a good way.

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Remember those Michigan legislators dining at the Orange Shit DC Hotel in Dec. of ‘20?

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Hey don't forget the Russians they were in this mix too.

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😂😂😂 I followed the link in the article that listed all the participants. Damn it’s satisfying to see those old smug faces and to think they are about to get what they have coming. They tried to steal an election for their boy. And they expected zero consequences because they were only trying to correct the mistake of letting all those “city folk” vote.

I have to give it up to MI Dems. After years in the political wilderness, they have hit the ground running now that they have the power, delivering for their constituents. And protecting the vote from those who who try to cheat.

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In related but OT personal Michigan election news, my absentee ballot for my city's primary arrived today!!!! Ever since a ballot initiative here started the process to make it easier to vote, including no reason absentee voting, I have used that lovely service. I have bad knees that made it painful to stand for too long in line to vote. I sucked it up, but now I get my ballot, fill it out, drop it off, track it online, and BOOM! Done!

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So nice to see Nice Times come trickling in. May we see a flood of Nice Times soon!

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Something I've ranted before, for the most part, the fake electors scheme was comparable to what sovereign citizen types do all the time, and if it had stayed on that level, those involved could probably avoid criminal charges. The "problem" was obtaining real paperwork and submitting it through actual official channels.

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I understand their punctuation was kind of on the fringe.

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