Johhny, a.k.a. Jonathan B. Cat, the stands for 'Big', is but half of the feline population of our house. I thought you might like to see his mother, Mei (pronounced like the fifth month), who not only gave birth to her kittens (2) in our house, but on my futon as well. The picture was taken 12 days after she gave birth. I missed the first birth but caught Act II. It was both fascinating and gross to watch.


She was a rescue cat. A woman was walking along a road and noticed a big crow pecking at something she thought at first was a mouse. Then she heard a 'mew', saw that it was a tiny kitten and chased the crow away. We had recently lost a cat who had died suddenly. Serendipity stepped in when she was looking for a home for the kitten and found us, who were looking for a new cat. The kitten couldn't have been more than a few weeks old as she was smaller than my hand when I held her. I named her Mei because we got her in the month of May and is also a nice female name in English. The Japanese character for Mei is 明 and means 'brightness'. The left part of the character is the sun and the right, the moon. She's a crafty little devil who soon learned how to open the sliding front door. Before we were able to get her spayed, she slipped outside and *ahem* found a boyfriend. I noticed that she was getting progressively chubbier and thought, "Uh-oh, she's preggers." Sure enough, on 1/15/2015, out popped two kittens. At first my wife and I were worried how well she'd be able to take care of them since she apparently had been abandoned by her mother, but instinct kicked in and she was the perfect little mommy to her kittens. As you can see, she's guarding her kittens with great intensity. She's since been spayed, which is good because she still slips outside occasionally. We gave Johnny's twin brother to a nice lady living in Tokyo because there was just no way we could handle three cats, with two of them the size of Johnny (16.5 lbs.), in our little housette. Mei is also very people friendly, although it's better to let her come to you on first meeting, which she will and probably settle down in your lap. She just doesn't like to be grabbed right away by people she doesn't know. Johnny loves to be picked up by anybody, but he's quite the armfull. Oof! Thus endeth the tale. I hope you liked it.

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Alright, my fellow compatriot! We're going to sweep all the state offices, and maybe get a couple US House seats too.

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Yup. As an IL resident, I am feeling pretty darn comfortable☺

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So if marriage is for regulating sexual relationships, what was he planning to do with the woman in the video? Is he pro BC for unmarried couples?

The man is a creepy sleaze. I hope that they're running that tape on TV as an ad for "Anyone but Bill Schuette".

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Wise. The vid is 39 seconds long and I could not make it thru. The smarm level outdoes even Herr D and that is really quite an accomplishment.

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I probably would, after a sufficient act of contrition. (For the record, I had to think hard, since my kids would never EVER have behaved like that.)But a better parallel would be if they'd willfully burned the house down and murdered the witnesses.

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The woman off camera in the video considered that as a #Metoo moment (justifiably so), Peak freak out occurred at Van “Gockk”.

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Yes. Definitely put an uncomfortable look on my face. I found myself physically backing away from the screen.

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upvote for the good words + middle finger-giving cat profile pic

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An interesting thought experiment: if you, as a parent, come home and find that your kids have willfully wrecked all their toys, how willing would you be to replace those toys?

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God reserves His powers for punishing GHEYZ with hurricanes. FIFY

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The latest Schuette campaign video:


I'm Bill Schuette and I approved this message.

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