I seem to remember that they are responsible for Amway.

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It's like "I'll pray for you".

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Michiganders should only have sex with michigeese.

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And as soon as they finished passing this bill, they went back to complaining about creeping Sharia law. Because it's totes different when someone wants to force their laws on you based upon THEIR religious beliefs...

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Can we just give all the religious freakazoids Isle Royale to build their little fiefdom?

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The scary part? By about the middle of next year we're going to be saying "I miss that old broad".


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Time to start my own church (again). This time the church doctrine will be based around the kicking of bigots in their nuts. I’m thinking of calling it Nutology or maybe Scrotumism.

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No, you can't. Too close to Thunder Bay.

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I have a sincerely held religious belief that all of these assclowns should lick my hairy taint. So, uhhh... Get on that, assclowns.

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