I used to have a tiger in my tank, does that count?

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if they're allowing savory rodents into Michigan now, maybe Mike Huckabee can stop by for dinner

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coyote ugly libel!!1!1!!!!

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C'mon folks, how else is Charlie Sheen supposed to legally obtain his tiger blood?

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Do all Libertarians look to Veruca Salt as a role model?

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How can I say no?

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Came looking for reference to "sweet, lovable" badger... was not disappointed.

/ MI native / wants direct contact with WOLVERINES!

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If this means you can toss Christians to them I'll start packing up my things here.

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I hope your Grampa didn't reply to her: "Yeah, just like sticking my dick out the window and trying to fuck the world".

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I love the Far Side where the one of the bears in the circus is pulling the muzzle off his face saying, "hey, these things just pop right off".

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in all fairness, it's not that difficult to own lions as it is. Atlanta will do so later this evening...

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His policies aren't killing enough poorz quickly enough, so the Circle of Life had to be invoked.

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Sharks with frickin' laser beams can't be too far off.

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