<i>so earnest and serious and high-minded that it literally says nothing substantial about the issue at hand.</i>

Did you know that today is 12-12-12? Amazing! This is the only chance I'll ever have to share this incredibly dull fact!


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<blockquote>a second-rate Richard Cohen</blockquote>

In other words, a better version of Richard Cohen?

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What's perfect about passing right-to-work laws over the holidays is that Ebenezer Scrooge would have totally approved.

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I actually feel better about the impending demise of a newspaper.


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Kevin Nealon is letting himself go after Weeds.

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<i> ...Except, Tom Walsh, Obamacare care was passed after nearly a year of legislative consideration and a few months before a Congressional election. ...</i> Oh Jeff, you're just a big meanie. Tom Walsh is <i>confused</i>! He thinks these are the same, and he is clumsily telling you that he really just doesn't understand what is going on. And you're picking on him! He'll need an extra gin and tonic just to get over how mean people were to him today if he even remembers they were.

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