That's what the billion dollars in PAC money is for - to sell Mitt to the rubes, just like they sell all the other crap that makes them rich.

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Ah ha ha.

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Some of his best friends own poors (or would, if only it were still legal.)

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Last night the President paid for a television advertisement telling me about his proposed jobs bill and how he wanted to put 1 million Americans back to work, including police officers, firefighters, teachers and construction folks. Unfortunately the House of Representatives is jacking off on Eric Holder and has no concerns about the economy.

Any thoughts on the subject of employment of Americans Mr. Romney? These are the same nice people who will build and protect your car elevator, all of them educated by a teacher.

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"...raking in more <strike>money</strike> speech in a single day than the median family of four earns in 148 years!"

Sounds better this way, I think.

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"[T]he House of Representatives is jacking off on Eric Holder and has no concerns about the economy. "

Actually, they are very concerned. So concerned, in fact, that they're doing everything in their power to make sure it doesn't improve by November.

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That's what voter ID laws are for.

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Replace one of Anne's Cadillacs?

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