A vast and bottomless well of insecurity.

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That rap is hideous

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It wasn't a rap

More like a rope

A ruse

A burp

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mh. i think there a better adjectives.

like 'abomination unto the lord'. for example.

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And actually actually ACTUALLY, Josh Schriver might just be yet another tediously narcissistic sociopath who's found a home in the GOP.

And on Xitter, natch.

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He looks like the reason god invented incels.

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Completely out of touch with modern concepts of morality and human compassion.

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Methinks he doth protest too much. That, and he looks absolutely insane.

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As the love child of Jethro Bodine and Jack Torrance, Josh Schriver got all his smarts from the former and some “other stuff” from the latter.

Praise Jesus.

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Just looking at the guy's picture at the top of the article had me thinking we need to check his phone for CSAM. He's got that crazed pedophile look to him.

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If this guy sat down beside me in a theater, I’d move.

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dude has Amy Coney Barrett eyes

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Not a good. thing

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Lesser known Kim Carnes tune.

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Josh, my man! Just because you can't get anyone to match you on Grindr doesn't mean you have to ruin life for everyone else, you psychopath nazi fuckoid

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If I were to be waiting for an elevator and the door opened to reveal that guy in there alone, I would take the stairs.

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Ta, Robyn. Maybe Josh can hire Dan Brown as a lyricist; he sure can't write himself. And I'd forgotten that Navratilova is a TERF; thanks for the reminder.

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The Buybull says this, the Buybull says that. Well, I'm not in your stupid little book club so none of that shit applies to me. Mind your own fking business. (Paraphrased from a TikTok video)

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Jesus didn't say anything against gay people. Paul did, but when Jesus was alive, Paul was Saul and hated everything about Jesus. After Jesus was killed, Saul became Paul and then tried his best to show that Jesus, who was no longer around to argue, had been his best besty EVAH and that damn those wimps that said Jesus had appeared to one or two persons after death, Paul knew FIVE HUNDRED people who had seen Jesus!

Paul was a bent, conflicted, mentally ill freak and after Jesus was dead, he finally succeeded in doing what he'd been trying to do when he was Saul, covering Jesus in crap and blather.

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I never paid much attention to Paul until I went to a Catholic women's college. I was sure surprised when I heard so many of us Catholics taking a swing at Paul. Of course that was in the 60s, a turmoil time.

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Paul got one thing right: for now, we see through a glass, darkly. It was the only time I’m aware of that he admitted he didn’t know what the hell was going on.

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I wish only the worst for him and anyone who voted for the felon. Unfortunately, the rest of us are also getting a big serving of the worst as well soon.

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Servings of the worst can go sour very quickly. Ask Yoon in Korea how that works.

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so apt.

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That recent South Korean news amazed me, partly since I hadn't realized martial (in republican congressperson lingo-marshall) law had even been been imposed.

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He must be really feeling his oats given how squishy independents decided the bigot felon and his unreconstructed party had all the answers for everything. And if anything he knows the principle, First Do Harm.

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"First Do Harm"

Well, d*mn

Go write that book, please, Seth

I will network with AAPF to get it assigned at all the Ivies and HBCUs

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