The kids have likely had his number for quite some time. Members of dysfunctional families, especially dependents, find ways to adjust to and accommodate all kinds of things that the rest of us would regard as very strange. They just deal with it and maintain the "family secret" because they think that they have no other choice. Many kids in such situations grow up thinking that their own families represent the norm, that all families are like theirs. They don't believe that things could be any other way. They may, for example, be convinced that not just their parents, but everyone's parents, are total blowhards and lying sacks of shit most of the time. Many grow up being profoundly wary of adults in general and of authority figures in particular.

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Sociopaths are coldly manipulative con artists, while psychopaths are genuinely delusional and often obsessive. The sociopath will endeavor to convince you of all kinds of bullshit that overtly or covertly benefits them. The psychopath won't bother because he or she is convinced that you already know it. They think that this thing that you know or do represents a threat to be avoided rather than an asset to be cynically exploited.

Examples: "Clark Rockefeller" (Christian Gerhartsreiter) and Frank Abagnale Jr. ("Catch Me If You Can") are classic sociopaths. David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") is an archetypical psychopath. Charles Manson is a blend of the two types.

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I understand why you are the way you are. I will keep you in my prayers.

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You know nothing but your own ideas about bearded men in the sky, immaculate conceptions and raising the dead...I have probably studied the bible multiple more hours than you have. 16 years at Christian schools...fortunately my parents believed in free thought and debate. Religion is a scourge on this country. It has been the basis for slavery, wars, hatred and bigotry. you do not need religion to be a good person OR a spiritual person. You holier than thou types need to back off. Don't bother praying to big bearded man in the sky for me , it really serves no purpose except maybe for your own super ego.

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My own ideas? Nope, sorry. Why is it the top religion in the world? If you have actually studied the Bible more hours than I have, then you wouldn't have the views you do. Going to a Christian school growing up means nothing if your heart is blocked off from it and there's no help from the parents. Religion is a scourge? No, satan and sin is the scourge. All this hatred you have toward everyone and the world is nothing but satan's hold on your heart. Praying has nothing to do with ego. You see one egotistical christian and you think they're all like that? Am I right? I care about others and want the best for them. If Christianity is such a scourge then why would I reach out to you? Shame on me right? How egotistical of me.

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I think Islam is the fastest growing religion, so does that make the Koran the truth? I have no hatred toward anyone, I am disgusted by bigotry and hypocrisy and do you know why? Because I do believe in the philosophy of Jesus (Love one another, judge not, love thy enemy, turn the other cheek, feed the poor, comfort the sick and homeless)but somehow conservative Christianity "religion" has turned it's back on these golden rules and focus on peoples sexual preferences, or personal choices and try to force legislature based on THEIR religion."Christians" have given Christ a bad name. Religion is a choice, kindness is a choice, forgiveness is a choice, tolerance is a choice, bigotry is a choice...

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You "think" it's the fastest growing? Does that mean it's the top now? How can Christians not focus on sexual preferences at the moment? It's the fastest growing sin and more and more people are jumping on the band wagon. So your saying it's okay to force legislature on Christians by letting the LGBT community do everything they want? Why do you think same-sex marriage was never allowed? Everyone is complaining about equal rights, but it goes both ways. The LGBT can display their beliefs but Christians can't anymore or else we are "judging". So we are to sit back and watch and keep our mouths shut because we don't apply for equal rights? We should jump on the band wagon too? If you're disgusted by bigotry and hypocrisy, then turn and look at everyone else in the entire world besides just Christians. You have a hatred towards all Christians because not each and every one of them are your version of "perfect". One screws up, you judge all. That's all there is to it. The philosophy of Jesus is more than just your golden rules. If you truly believed in His philosophy, and did all this studying of the Bible that you claimed you did, you would follow him, and not let sinning Christians affect your walk. Everyone sins. True Christians ask for forgiveness and change. Many Christians sin and never ask for forgiveness. It's wrong, and it does give a bad name for all Christians. I could judge the entire MLB for one player doing wrong. Would that be right? I know many Christian MLB players who keep their focus on God. So should I include them with my judging? Everything you say contradicts itself. Because it's easier to stand for nothing and forsake everyone else, right?

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OMG way too into the sex stuff for me. I hope you do not eat pork or shell fish because according to God it is the same sin as butt sex or blowjobs so enjoy your judgy lifestyle, but don't expect your God to like it too much. I feel like the biggest sin right now happening in our society is the lack of care for homelessness and child hunger. Jesus cares way more about that than people of the same sex loving each other. again I do not hate Christians, many are in my family and close friends and some are GAY. Again, Christ has nothing to do with judgement, hate, bigotry and discrimination, that is on the human race.

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Lol judgy lifestyle. How's your broken record lifestyle going? So you're the type that still thinks eating pork is a sin? You have no clue do you? Do you know the difference between the Old and New Testament? In the OT, eating pork was prohibited under the law. You know what the law was? Do you know why Jesus died on the cross and what it changed? Probably not since you still think eating pork is a sin. Maybe more studying perhaps? I LOVE the end of your comment though! You are FINALLY making some sense, except for the part about you speaking for Jesus about what you think he cares more about. You are right in that all sins are equal in God's eyes, so actually people engaging in same sex crap is the same as each and every one of us telling a little lie. To end this, it's not just my God, it's your God and everyone elses' God too.

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I don't believe in "sin" It is made up by dysfunctional men thousands of years ago to keep people in their place especially women. There is civil behavior and uncivil behavior that is what governmental laws are for. Your rhetoric still gives you reason to be a bigot, judge others or discriminate, if you truly are following Jesus's word. Just read the Sermon on the mount. "You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you." Sounds to me like Jesus wants you to bake cakes for gay people...also"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him... Pretty much your faith is yours and going around touting it as if it were some shimmery cloak is not what "God" wants either. The Old testament was made obsolete by the birth of Christ and you all need to realize that. I am done with your senseless ranting. you have been blinded by the inability to question what doesn't make sense, blind faith is damaging.

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That's all you have. All you do is claim everyone else "judges". Sin. How do you think we know between right and wrong? What do you think our most basic laws are based off of? It's funny how you are quoting from the Bible, and making your own interpretations, when it all comes down to it, you want nothing to do with God, Jesus, and Christianity. You understand nothing about what you just quoted. Here is a good one for you: Ephesians 4:29 - "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." You cherry pick verses out of the Bible, make your own interpretation, when you have no intentions to actually follow anything the Bible actually says. How am I using meaningless repitition when I witness to others? Do you even know what the meaningless repitition is they are speaking of? You have no clue about the meaning behind everything you quote from the Bible. How could you when you don't believe in it? As you have stated before. How can you use something you have no belief in? I don't understand. You spend half the time TRYING to explain the Bible to me, when you have no clue what it means, and you don't believe any of it. Tell me how that makes sense. That would be like me trying to get someone to believe something about Evolution, when I spend my entire life knocking it, and when I believe none of it. Explain that. The entire Old Testament was NOT made obselete by the "Death" of Christ. Christ died so we were no longer under the old law. He fulfilled it. It did NOT destroy everything about the OT. Read up: http://www.mountainretreato... . Do more studying. Your problem is that you have your own opinions, your own interpretations, your own beliefs, and you are completely blind to the truth. Completely blind. You don't even believe in the truth, so why try to explain it? All you do is rant and rave about everyone else "judging", when you are doing nothing but judging people and trying to use the Bible for your own glory and not for God's. The inability to question what doesn't make sense? Everything makes sense to me, because I have the Bible to explain it all to me. It explains to me everything, including why you think the way you do. http://www.openbible.info/t... . 2 Corinthians 4:4 "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

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My reply is worry about your own sins, focus on your own family, and keep religion out of government. I don't need you to pray for me, I am fine with myself. You do not need to judge other families, to make your family what you want it to be. Gay people getting married has nothing to do with my 25 year marriage and it shouldn't with anyone else. Let he amongst you without sin cast the first stone...again Jesus's words, not some scribe.

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Sermon on the mount...

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Your own interpretations of the Bible for your own glory won't help you and will only hurt you. "Let he amongst you without sin cast the first stone".. Besides your cherry picking, do you even understand where that came from? Why they were casting stones? Instead of your own opinions, your own interpretations, and your own beliefs, actually provide one bit of Truth. Instead of using the Bible for your own glory, use it for God's. What's the point of forsaking God, yet continuing to proclaim His word? I believe that is called hypocrisy. Instead of your beginning thoughts on just being selfish and thinking of ourselves, Galatians 6:1 "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted."

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Any sic*er and he would be in the E.R.

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Todd and Cindy co-authored a Contract for Liberty.


The first item on the contract is The Freedom to be Born. The third item is Health Care Freedom, under this heading they write "There is no more fundamental right than to be free from government intrusion into the intimacy and privacy of our own bodies. The integrity of the patient/doctor relationships, along with our healthcare choices and decisions, should be free and protected from government intrusion."

They see absolutely nothing wrong with calling for the worst kind of intrusion into the bodies of women by mandating compulsory childbirth. Then they write this crap and expect anyone to believe it?

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