Debtor prisons can be added to the long list of anachronistic cruel punishments coming back into fashion as a tool to incessantly harass the nation's cash-strapped, because there is nothing more fun if you are a "downer nation" these days than the needless humiliation of your own struggling populations.
They have been trying to make it a crime in some states so you can get up to a year in jail for not being able to pay a misdemeanor fine. I think I read somewhere a judge was issuing contempt of court against people for "making up excuses" after he drug them in front of him on a bench warrant.
Guys, he had to be made an example of. He was fishing. <i>Illegally.</i> You let this go, and next thing you know, you&#039;ve got people not renewing their dog licenses on time; or kids setting up lemonade stands and earning singles of unreported dollars.
NV911: Before the authorities stopped it, there was a California prisoner who wrote columns for the Chronicle about life in prison. He wrote about a small group of men from Peru who broke the law intending to be caught and sent up the river.
They worked there and sent all the money home. Meanwhile, they had food, a place to stay, and some level of medical care.
I found this heartbreakingly sad on so many levels.
There&#039;s still water in Texas? God is taking his sweet time with this Armageddon Lite routine.
and look how well that&#039;s all working out for london right about now.
man. i&#039;m doing an existentialist play written in the depths of wwii and this was nearly as depressing.
thank you tommy i guess.
(you and camus have a nice touch with the sheer absurdity of the human condition.)
Lentils, Brown Rice and Peanut Butter.
60 dollars a month in grad school.
to be fair, he got fed in prison.
&quot;So, what are you in for, kid?&quot;
Way I see it, the dude had the chance to earn $215 for only three days&#039; work.
And not matter how tasty they are BBQ&#039;d with your black friends, do not kill a wolverine! The man will not stand for that.
They have been trying to make it a crime in some states so you can get up to a year in jail for not being able to pay a misdemeanor fine. I think I read somewhere a judge was issuing contempt of court against people for &quot;making up excuses&quot; after he drug them in front of him on a bench warrant.
Guys, he had to be made an example of. He was fishing. <i>Illegally.</i> You let this go, and next thing you know, you&#039;ve got people not renewing their dog licenses on time; or kids setting up lemonade stands and earning singles of unreported dollars.
If you ain&#039;t got a dime, you must do the time.
Fuck this noise.
NV911: Before the authorities stopped it, there was a California prisoner who wrote columns for the Chronicle about life in prison. He wrote about a small group of men from Peru who broke the law intending to be caught and sent up the river.
They worked there and sent all the money home. Meanwhile, they had food, a place to stay, and some level of medical care.
I found this heartbreakingly sad on so many levels.
I&#039;ve used that one at least twice myself.
Give a hungry man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach a hungry man to fish and they&#039;ll throw his ass in jail.
Geez, Barb, maybe that jerk had a license to have kids!
You don&#039;t need a license? Are you sure?
MC: Sorry - you beat me to it! I should have read all the comments first.