You can't get consumer protection legislation passed to make insurance companies honor purchased policies but you can legislate what insurance isn't allowed to cover ? Assholes, the lot of them.

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The Republicans want to be the part of forced birth. Even for forced pregnancy. Just to say it, they should put their money where their mouth is. A woman who gives birth to a child of rape will be fully supported by the state financially. A tax increase may be necessary.

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I understood it had to be passed again by the legislature after the petition. It's a weird provision.

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I keep thinking every Democratic challenger in 2014 will or should be a woman.

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Well, 100% of the elected Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill, so I think we can still spare them a little blame. If I understand the law correctly, it only takes 4% of the electorate to put forward this petition. If the lege had not passed it, it would have gone to a statewide referendum next year.

So, I'm not sure you can say it's the fault of the other 96% of the citizenry.

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If they passed a law making you buy a rider before you could get treated for a gunshot wound, I wonder if these asshats would stop pushing Stand Your Ground and Concealed Carry laws. Yeah. Right.

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Hey y'all , I know this law sucks donkey dick, but maybe us Wonketteers are missing the silver lining to this cloud of shit. We can finally really start a liebrul Abortionplex in michigan. Land is cheap it The D, let's make this happen. Crowd sourcing, kick starter, hackathon, other buzzwords! Am I high? Not sure, but tell me what you think of this idea.

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Meh, I choose not to believe in bullets not fired by my own blessed firearm, so I'll be good. Thanks for asking though. And to make them even madder, I shall recycle all bio-material from the Abortionplex, except for poop.

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On the other hand, this is even more stupid than the California referendum, so it makes some of us feel a little better.

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I'm frankly surprised that it's taken the Rethuglicans so long to invent No-Fault Rape Insurance policies. It's just like driving a car. He-said, she-said. Who has time to sort all that out.

Oh. It's for the <i>woman</i>?? Never mind.

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The Romans vis a vis the Sabines?

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I keep waiting for that day when men start getting preggers with unwanted babies, as that will be the day that the laws all miraculously change. As for assholes like this Nancy Jenkins, someone ought to inform her that she is not a man.

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Insurance companies don't discriminate. They will fuck everyone, any time for any reason, and then bill you for it.

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Shit is leaking out of Wisconsin & Minnesota into the Great Lakes. Expect heinous stupidity in up-state New York and an increase of it in Ohio.

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Yeah, and the Ted Cruz coloring book (TotH dailykos)? That's not got <i>much</i> rape in it.

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